Hybino - Leopard Gecko Wiki
A Hybino, also known as a Hypo-Albino, is a combination of the Super Hypo and any one of the three albino strains. Generally Hybinos are described as geckos with an all yellow body and albino colored eyes.
异军崛起——细说变异巴西龟_Pied - 搜狐
2018年8月23日 · 巴西龟作为龟中驯养时间长,产量大的一个品种,变异品系也是龟类中最丰富的。常见的变异品系有:白化巴西(albino),果冻(hybino),焦糖(caramel),黑珍珠(charcoal),蜜蜂(bumble bee),青柠(lime),粉雪(snow),金粉(lubino)等等。
黄金果冻(Hybino)巴西龟图片介绍科谱 - 变异巴西 - 龟商网|龟 …
2024年5月17日 · 果冻巴西的瞳孔是血红色,虹膜为淡蓝色,无眼线,视力正常。多数个体红耳明显,少数个体红耳模糊。红耳随着果冻巴西的成长,也会逐渐模糊。皮肤为淡粉色,有些微微透明。 ... 黄金果冻(Hybino)巴西龟图片介绍科谱 ,龟商网|龟小侠
Hybino Red Ear Sliders - Albino Turtles | Turtle Morphs | 白化龟
Hybino Red Ear Sliders are a medium sized turtle, growing up to 12″ in length. They can reach breeding size in 3 years, producing up to 8 clutches of eggs per year. This is a very easy species to keep in captivity, but require a lot of space to be happy and healthy.
另类龟宠|浅谈变异巴西龟(多图长文) - 知乎专栏
白化变异巴西龟的出现是因为体内缺少酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase),酪氨酸酶的作用是帮助形成黑色素,当体内酪氨酸酶呈阴性,则无法形成黑色素。 因此白化变异巴西龟通体是不含黑色素及其他深颜色色素的,而表现出来的体色其实一般却不是纯白色,基本是带有淡黄色的体色。 瞳孔也因为不含黑色素而呈血红色。 2.黄化 (T+Albino)变异巴西龟. 黄化即T+白化,全称是“tyrosinase-positive”。 不同于白化体内完全无法形成黑色及深颜色色素,黄化变异则是无法形成绝大部分 …
异军崛起 —— 细说变异巴西龟 - 网易
2018年3月22日 · 巴西龟作为龟中驯养时间长,产量大的一个品种,变异品系也是龟类中最丰富的。常见的变异品系有:白化巴西( albino ),果冻( hybino ),焦糖( caramel ),黑珍珠( charcoal ),蜜蜂( bumble bee ),青柠( lime ),粉雪( snow ),金粉( lubino )等等。
Hybino — Home
Hybino RES, sometimes referred to as Hypo Translucents, are a unique color/pattern morph. They were once nicknamed "Flip Flop RES" because from a view of their belly, they appeared completely patternless with pink skin, while from the top, they displayed darker grey markings on their skin and head.
27 Most Popular Leopard Gecko Morphs (With Pictures )
2024年4月25日 · Hybino is a combo of Super Hypo and any of the three albino strains. In general, they have an all-yellow body and albino-like eyes, which vary depending on the albino strain used in the breeding. Sunglow
豹纹守宫品系与基因名称的中英文对照表 - 百度文库
豹纹守宫品系与基因名称的中英文对照表- Hybino,无斑纹橙白化,Hypo-Tangerine albino,显性基因和隐性基因。 Super hypo tangerine carrottail,台湾俗称的萝卜尾豹纹,显性基因。
Tangerine Albino (Hybino) Leopard Gecko Adult - IMPERIAL REPTILES & EXOTICS
Buy Adult Hybino (Tremper) Leopard Geckos for sale online. Purchase these beautiful exotic reptiles that are eating regularly. Reptile packages and shipments are covered by our Live Arrival Guarantee and Health Guarantee.