Secure, reliable backup & recovery for Amazon S3 | HYCU
HYCU introduces a tailored approach to S3 protection, offering bucket-level and object-level backup strategies, cross-region replication support, and intelligent versioning management, …
Simple, scalable data protection for AWS - HYCU
HYCU for AWS provides cloud-native data protection for workloads running in EC2 and S3 (including S3 Glacier). It offers comprehensive backup and recovery, data mobility, migration, …
HYCU Supports New AWS S3 Express One Zone Storage
S3 Express One Zone provides single-digit millisecond first byte latency for compute-intensive applications, drives down query times, and can improve data access speeds by 10x and …
HYCU Data Protection as a Service for AWS (HYCU for AWS) is a fully managed backup and recovery service for Amazon Web Services (AWS) that is specifically designed to make data …
Setting up an S3 compatible target - HYCU
R‑Cloud supports using an S3 compatible target to store data in the storage provided by S3 or any of the supported S3 compatible cloud storage solutions.
Setting up targets - HYCU
HYCU for AWS creates Amazon S3 buckets automatically while backing up data and uses them as targets. For increasing restore speed and minimizing costs, these targets are created in the …
Managing targets - HYCU
Default object storage class of the target in the Amazon S3 service: S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible …
Adding S3 compatible accounts - HYCU
Adding S3 compatible accounts. To allow a specific account to perform all operations on an S3 compatible target, you must first add the account to R‑Cloud, and then specify it when setting …
Backing up buckets - docs.r-cloud.hycu.com
With R‑Cloud, you can back up your Amazon S3 and Google Cloud bucket data securely and efficiently.
HYCU R-Cloud With Wasabi
Wasabi has been validated for use with HYCU. HYCU is a leading multi-cloud backup as a service provider. Hycu Protégé and R-Cloud enable Backup and recovery of your SaaS …