约 2 个结果

Hylar & Klar (Mountain) Dwarves
2012年1月6日 · The Hylar are the most outgoing of the mountain dwarf clans. They and the Daewar have more experience with the surface world than other clans. Honor, respect, and tradition are the tools by which a Hylar views the world. If a nation fails to respect its people or fails to honor its pledges, they are unworthy of trade or association. Among their
Dragonlance Legacy
A Kendergarten Course: If you don't know what kender are... You should be ashamed!!! What is a kender? A kender is anything that Is less than four feet tall Is dressed colorfully Is blessed with a really interesting hairdo Is totally without fear Asks a lot of questions and Causes some of your possessions to be missing after you've met him or her.