Hymn: My Father God, when on Thy vast creation - hymnal.net
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A heartfelt hymn that beautifully captures the awe and gratitude for God's creation, salvation, and the glorious anticipation of a future in His presence. The melody of praise echoes through every verse, declaring the marvel and greatness of our Father God.
Hymn 17 - My Father God, When on Thy Vast Creation - YouTube
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Hymns for John 17 - Hymnary.org
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; ... Hymns for John 17 from Hymnary.org, an authoritative index of hymns and hymnals.
Hymn 17 - logos-rhema.com
1 My Father God, when on Thy vast creation.. The wonders of the heav'n and earth, I gaze. Things great and small, beyond enumeration, Which manifest Thy pow'r in untold ways;
Hymn 17 - Nziyo.com
Methodist Shona Hymn 17. Chokwadi zita raJesu Rakanaka kwazvo; Rinonyaradza mutendi, Rinofusa kutya. Rinorapa mweya wake, Rinomunyaradza; Rinomupa kuzorora Nokudya komweya. ... Hymn 16 Hymn 18 . Hymn Details. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment *
Hymn 17
Be firm, ye sentinels of Truth, God’s day of rest is near; All scowling shapes of darkness flee; The morning star shines clear. Your constant challenge, Who goes there? As idle words must cease. How can the prince of this world now Delay the Prince of Peace?
C.A.C. Hymn 17 - vvv - dicoleebaba.blogspot.com
Thy light and life to me? 2. A perfect way in wisdom trod, 3. I seek the faithful and the just; May I their help enjoy! The servants I employ! 4. From lies, from slander, and deceit, O righteous Lord, for Thee. Amen. KulhuD. YORUBA. Ye fun O lati gbe!
Hymn 17 | Spiritual Texts Academy
The High Priestly Prayer (John 17) from the online program Hymns of God, Cosmos, Humanity https://ia601406.us.archive.org/19/items/17-hymns-gch-17-the-high-priestly-prayer/17HymnsGCH17TheHighPriestlyPrayer.
Hymn 17 - My Father God, when on Thy vast creation - YouTube
0:00 Introduction0:11 1st stanza0:39 Chorus
Hymn 17 to the Dioscuri - Perseus Digital Library
[1] Sing, clear-voiced Muse, of Castor and Polydeuces, the Tyndaridae, who sprang from Olympian Zeus. Beneath the heights of Taygetus stately Leda bare them, when the dark-clouded Son of Cronos had privily bent her to his will. [5] . Hail, children of Tyndareus, riders upon swift horses! Anonymous.