Knowing Who I Am in Christ - Joyce Meyer Ministries
This list reveals the truth about who God created you to be and how He wants you to live! I am complete in Him Who is the head over all rule and authority—of every angelic and earthly …
Do You Know Who You Are? - Joyce Meyer Ministries
I want to glorify God whether I'm running errands, staying at home by myself or speaking at conferences. I want my life to be all about God and focused on Him. When it is, I know what I …
A New Identity - Joyce Meyer Ministries
This was the beginning of a process where I slowly but surely began to realize who I am in Christ and how much He loves me. I started to see the truth: that I am more than what happened to …
List of Confessions - Joyce Meyer Ministries
Here is a list of Biblical confessions from Joyce, "that remind her of God's love and power." I am a new creature in Christ: old things have passed away, behold, all things are new. — 2 …
Knowing Who You Are in Christ - Digital Audio Teaching
Get a solid understanding of your new identity in Christ. Whether you’re new to the Christian faith, or you’ve been a Christian for years, these four audio download messages will teach you…
Subscription FAQs | Joyce Meyer Ministries
Call us toll-free at 1-866-480-1528 any weekday from 6 am to 4 pm CT. Depending on our mailing schedule, you will most likely receive a few more items from us while we process your change. …
Are You Enough? - Joyce Meyer Ministries
It helps to think of it in human terms. I love my husband, Dave, and he wants me to spend time with him out of love and affection—not because I have to. If I spent exactly one hour with him …
I Am Loved Bracelet - Joyce Meyer Ministries
I Am Loved Bracelet. $18.00. Qty. This item is on backorder. Release Date is TBD. Out of Stock. Add to Cart.
Count Your Blessings - Joyce Meyer Ministries
Make a habit of being thankful. As I mentioned, I think it’s a great idea to keep a list handy to remind you of everything you have to be grateful for. You can even write yourself notes and …
Do You Know Your True Identity? - Joyce Meyer Ministries
What a breakthrough! That was the beginning of my emotional healing. It has been a process, but today I can honestly say I am healed and content. I know in my heart that God loves me—and …
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