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Fact Sheet: Deferred Enforced Departure (DED)
2021年3月12日 · Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) (formerly Extended Voluntary Departure) allows certain individuals from designated countries and regions facing political or civic conflict …
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DED Covered Country – Certain Hong Kong Residents | USCIS
2025年1月16日 · Alert: On Jan. 26, 2023, President Biden announced the extension of Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for eligible Hong Kong residents for 24 months. Eligible Hong Kong …
2023年4月25日 · A:DED全名為Deferred Enforced Departure,是一項由總統直接決定的短期移民政策,容許簽證逾期人士能在政策期間(一般為十八個月)內繼續合法留在美國境內,而且 …
定向能沉积(DED)增材制造:物理特性、缺陷、挑战和应 …
2022年5月18日 · 定向能量沉积(DED)是增材制造(AM)工艺的一个分支,在该工艺中,粉末或金属丝形式的原料被输送到同时聚焦激光束、电子束或等离子/电弧等能量源的基板上,从而 …
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ded Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
2019年7月12日 · Ded is a humorous, often ironic, deliberate misspelling of dead. It can be used when something finds something so funny, overwhelming, or outrageous that they are …
Urban Dictionary: ded
adj. Ded is when you are dead from joy, hilarity, sexiness, or other great feelings as such. There is a large difference between ded and dead. Do not confuse the two. The verb form is 'deds' or …
What does Ded mean? | Later Social Media Glossary
In social media and internet slang, "dead" is often used to describe something that is no longer relevant, uninteresting, or boring. For example, if a meme or a trend has become outdated, …