FFG vs. FFFG: What’s The Difference? - YouTube
In this video, I’ll demonstrate the difference between FFg and FFFg black powder. Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos. Thanks for watching!___...
When to Use FFg vs. FFFg - The Muzzleloading Forum
2008年5月23日 · FFFG (Commonly called Triple "F") Due to its wide range of uses, Triple “F” is the black powder that is most commonly found on a dealer’s shelf. It is used in all percussion …
What’s the Difference between FG and FFFFG Blackpowder?
2023年4月21日 · What does the F on blackpowder labels mean? The F on your powder label stands for “Fine”, and denotes the size or general size of the grains included in your powder …
Goex FFFg Black Powder 1 lb – allpowdershop.com
Goex FFFg (or 3Fg) is suited for Ryfles (50-caliber and smaller), P’istoles and Revolvers. While Goex has improved manufacturing processes and material quality, they have manufactured …
What is the difference between FFG and FFFG powder?
2021年8月17日 · FFG is "good" quality medium grain rifle/musket powder. FFFG is finer grain, better suited for long rifle muzzle loads and can be used for ignition loads in a flintlock pan …
Which black powder to use for a muzzleloader. - TheGunZone
2025年2月5日 · For most rifles and smoothbores larger than .45 caliber, FFg is generally the preferred choice. For smaller bore rifles and pistols, FFFg is often recommended. FFFFg is …
Welcome to American Pioneer Powder
FFg and FFFg granulated powder. American Pioneer™ Powder is a loose, granular powder designed and created to be a sulfurless black powder replacement. American Pioneer™ …
Black Powder - IV: Powder Grain Sizes - Blogger
2016年7月10日 · FFg powder is used for historical small arms such as muskets, fusils, rifles and large pistols. FFFg powder is for smaller caliber rifles (below .45 caliber), pistols, cap-and-ball …
FFFg Black Powder In Stock Now - Vortex Reloads
Goex FFFg Black Powder delivers exceptional power and reliability. Its fine granulation promotes easy ignition and consistent burn rates, resulting in predictable velocities and enhanced …
Goex FFg Black Powder 1 lb - MidwayUSA
Goex FFg is the most popular black powder Goex produces. FFg is ideal for Muskets, Shotguns, Rifles (50-caliber and larger), Black Powder Cartridges, and large-bore Pistols.