Interagency Record of Request -- A, G or NATO Dependent ... - USCIS
2024年6月3日 · Use Form I-566 as part of the process to request various immigration benefits that may be available to: An eligible dependent of an A, G, or NATO nonimmigrant requesting employment authorization; An A, G, or NATO nonimmigrant requesting a change to another nonimmigrant status;
Form I-566 is not required if you have changed from A, G, or NATO nonimmigrant status to asylum (protected) status.
Use Form I-566 as part of the process to request various benefits that may be available to A, G, or NATO nonimmigrants. Form I-566 provides information needed to identify you, the requestor, and the person from whom your status is, or will
2021年2月24日 · • On the I-566 Part 1, item 10, include the USCIS alien number (A-number) from the front of the EAD card. • Write the USCIS alien number (A-number) on the back of the photos.
2024年5月13日 · Updated USCIS Form I-765 and I-566 for Employment Authorization Applications The Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) informs missions that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released updated editions of forms I-765 and I-566, Application for Employment Authorization.
如果工作许可申请获得批准,美国公民及移民服务局(uscis)将签发ead 工 卡,并寄回至I-765 表格上注明的家庭地址。 一旦申请人收到EAD 工卡,申请人配偶
Dependent Work Authorization FAQs - United States Department …
2009年1月20日 · A. If you lost or never received your EAD card, you will need to submit a complete application package for a dependent requesting employment authorization to OFM. On Form I-765, please make sure check the “replacement” box at the top of the form. On Form I-566, you must include your expected tour of duty end date.
2023年12月31日 · Form I-566 assists government agencies and organizations adjudicate applications and petitions for immigration benefits, including requests for employment authorization and change/adjustment of status.
I-566: Interagency Record of Request - USCIS Guide
2019年12月23日 · Form I-566 is available to any foreign national currently in the United States who is applying for an immigrant or nonimmigrant status in a category which requires an approved employment authorization document (EAD) from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Submit Interagency Record of Request | Form I-566 | US …
Easily request interagency records necessary for your immigration case with Form I-566. Download the form now to expedite your immigration process!