I2C For Hackers: Digging Deeper - Hackaday
2024年9月5日 · There’s a solution – it’s called clock stretching, and it’s basically an I2C device holding SCL low after receiving a byte, extending ACK state for a long time, until it can actually return...
I2C For Hackers: The Basics - Hackaday
2024年8月7日 · A small I2C chip can help you get more GPIOs for your MCU or CPU, or a multi-channel motor driver, or a thermal camera, or a heap of flash memory; if you’re adding some sort of cool chip onto ...
I.MX6 Linux I2C device& driver hacking - zengjf - 博客园
2015年6月5日 · 1. 本文主要是对Linux I2C驱动进行代码跟踪,主要是为了能够对I2C驱动框架有个全面的了解; 2. 本文源代码来自myzr_android4_2_2_1_1_0.tar.bz2; 3. 如果你有兴趣,请尽量自己去对代码进行跟踪,这样自己会对I2C有一个框架结构上的理解;
How to Listen to Your Arduino's I2C Bus - Hardware Hacking 101
2022年3月30日 · Let’s start by setting up a simple hardware hacking experiment and capture I2C traffic directly from the wire. For experimenting and learning, we should use a controlled and familiar environment.
I2c - Hackaday
4 天之前 · One of the biggest additions from the last week or so of development has been the I2C sniffer — a valuable tool for troubleshooting or reverse engineering devices using the popular communications...
I2C - HackTricks
Use Trickest to easily build and automate workflows powered by the world's most advanced community tools. Reading time: 5 minutes. To test a Bus Pirate is working, connect +5V with VPU and 3.3V with ADC and access the bus pirate (Using Tera Term for example) and use the command ~: MODE and VREG LEDs should be on! Found 0 errors.
Hardware Hacking: I2C Bus Sniffing #Arduino #CircuitPython …
2022年4月8日 · András Tevesz demonstrates and explains some of the fundamentals of hardware hacking recon and internals of wire protocols. I2C or (eye-squared-C) is a synchronous, multi-master, multi-slave, packet-switched, single-ended, serial communication bus invented in 1982 by Philips Semiconductors.
Arduino based hacking tool for smart batteries using SMBus.
Adapting new I2C read/write module. Uses SBS instead of SoftI2CMaster (see below)
GitHub - tigard-tools/tigard: An FTDI FT2232H-based multi …
For the best I2C performance with the tradeoff of breaking SWD functionality, bridge the HACK solder jumper on the bottom. This will bypass resistor R16, shorting DI and DO when the MODE switch is set to SWD/I2C.
Hacking ESP32 - multiplexing I2C | BastelBaus - Hackaday.io
Combining this with this nice hack to use only one SCL or SDA for multiple devices (link [https://hackaday.com/2019/02/27/multiple-oleds-save-pins-by-sharing-the-i2c-clock/]), this could be even more advantagous in several cases and save costs/space for an I2C multiplexer!