Home - I4-GREEN
I4-GREEN drives and boosts green, circular, and social tech deployment through joint investments, to reduce the EU dependence on imports of Critical Raw Materials and the negative impact on the environment of their extraction and processing.
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2022年11月30日 · I4-GREEN is a The 25th of November 2022 an on-line kick-off meeting took place where the I4-GREEN consortium partners, beneficiaries of Horizon Europe funding, met and presented their role within the project: the Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources (ACPMR, Coordinator), ICAMCYL Foundation, Gevora, Leonore Development, Atalaya, Lain Tech ...
About us - I4-GREEN
I4-GREEN. Interregional investment for the sustainable supply of raw materials in the EU Green Energy Transition. Launched in November 2022, I4-GREEN is a 30-month European project coordinated by ICAMCyL Foundation to research and innovate new models for …
www.i4green.org | sustainable solutions for global warming
Discover sustainable solutions for global warming, renewable energy, carbon footprint, biodiversity conservation, and more on i4Green.org. Join our climate action movement today!
About | i4Green
At i4green.org, we are dedicated to sustainable practices, renewable energy, and conservation efforts. Join us in taking climate action for a greener, low-carbon future.
Plant-Based | i4Green
Discover the power of plant-based living at i4green.org. Learn about sustainable choices, plant-based diets, and how they contribute to a healthier planet. Join us on this eco-friendly journey!
I4-GREEN | acpmr - clustermineralresources.pt
I4-GREEN drives and boosts green, circular, and social tech deployment through joint investments. The I4-GREEN consortium works to unleash the green innovation power of EU Interregional Ecosystems, with the goal of reducing EU dependence on imports of Critical Raw Materials and the negative impact on the environment of their extraction and ...
Pilots - I4-GREEN
IRON HOLM OAK PILOT is an industrial-mining project for the recovery of critical minerals. The value proposition of the project is the recovery of endogenous resources, incorporating modern technologies, under high criteria of environmental, social and economic sustainability. It is run by the consortium partners Gevora and Leonore.
友绿智库-建筑碳中和大数据服务-碳达峰,碳中和,激励政策,绿 …
本课程为远程在线直播培训课程,适用于准备参加WELL AP考试或正在进行项目想了解WELL健康建筑技术体系的建筑师、规划师、绿建顾问、施工经理、总包项目经理、设计师、建筑材料产品研发工程师、能... 本课程为在线直播课程,适用于准备参加LEED AP考试或正在进行绿色建筑项目的建筑师、工程师、项目管理人员等。 04-251 国家标准委等十一部门印发《碳达峰... 04-252 广东《珠海经济特区绿色建筑管理办... 04-253 《2023年甘肃全省建筑节能与建设科... 04-254 《海 …
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Join us at i4green.org for sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, clean energy, and climate action. Together, let's reduce carbon emissions and build a resilient future with renewable resources.