IAQG – International Aerospace Quality Group
IAQG is the recognized global leader for Aviation, Space, and Defense Industry quality. The Aerospace Improvement Maturity Model (AIMM) stands out as a powerful tool in the auditing process, providing a structured approach to evaluating a Quality Management System (QMS) maturity that aligns…
9136 Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving – IAQG
This includes having processes in place to detect and eradicate significant and recurrent issues, which implies having well-identified problems, a common understanding of their impact and associated root causes, and having defined and implemented adequate actions so that these problems, including similar issues, will not happen again.
Dictionary - IAQG
The IAQG Dictionary provides the definitions of words, terms and abbreviations as defined in IAQG, AAQG, APAQG and/or EAQG documents. Managed by the Operating Management System (OMS) Team on behalf of the IAQG, it is intended to be a quick reference and starting point for investigation if further technical accuracy or precise current definition ...
IAQG-OASIS - 9101:2016 Form 4: Cause Code Listing Now Included in Form
2017年7月12日 · From the IAQG: Dear OASIS User, You should be aware of the need for the certified organization to allocate a Cause Code when completing Section 2 of the Nonconformity Report (9101:2016 Form 4), for those audits conducted against the 9100:2016 series.
9101 Quality Management Systems Audit Requirements for Aviation ... - IAQG
This document standardizes the requirements for conducting and reporting of Quality Management System (QMS) audits. It can be used by aviation, space, and defense organizations at all levels throughout the global supply chain.
IAQG OASIS - SAE International
The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) mission is to implement initiatives that make significant improvements in quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream by establishing and maintaining dynamic cooperation, based on trust, between international aerospace companies.
IAQG - 百度百科
IAQG 于 1998 年 12 月由美洲,欧洲和亚洲航空航天工业的一些主要制造商成立,其目 的是:在国际航空航天制造商之间建立和保持有效的合作,以提高质量和降低成本;促使供 方持续改进过程,减少非增值活动,交付高质量产品.其组织结构如下: (1)IAQG 顶层设领导小组,委员会和全体代表大会.领导小组由每个地区的代表组成, 委员会负责制订 IAQG 的政策,目的和目标,全体代表大会是世界范围内的航空航天团体交 流的论坛.
- [PDF]
这包括:项目群和项目管理、对中长期顾客需求和运营&资源能力进行平衡和预测、活动的整体策划、风险/问题的识别和缓解、相关方关系和沟通. –建立生产组织、新产品的生产实现、生产鉴定、在一系列制造过程中的制造和验证活动,以及生产活动变更管理。 –交付前和交付的活动、产品保护和交付文件、监视交付绩效以确保按时按质交付。 这也包括在最终交付给最终顾客或运营商前于顾客生产场所进行实施活动的管理。 – 支持最终顾客/运营商以保证顺利的产品服役和在役阶段最 …
Added “Cause Code” box to accommodate the allocation of a suitable code from the IAQG listing and to support future IAQG data collection. Deleted “Signature” boxes to support OASIS NextGen.
9100 Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation ... - IAQG
This document standardizes quality management system requirements to the greatest extent possible and can be used at all levels of the supply chain by organizations around the world.