IAS: The International Accreditation Service
IAS is a nonprofit, public-benefit corporation that help organizations demonstrate compliance and competence to their customers, regulators and the public.
Validation and Verification Bodies - International Accreditation ...
IAS accredits validation and verification bodies to ISO/IEC 17029. This accreditation demonstrates to the marketplace, stakeholders and regulators that the agencies/bodies have met the requirements of IAS accreditation, and requirements for operating certification schemes in a competent, consistent and impartial manner.
IAS: ISO/IEC Standard 17021 - Management System Certification Bodies ...
IAS accredits certification bodies to ISO/IEC Standard 17021 which specifies requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. This accreditation demonstrates to the marketplace, stakeholders and regulators that the bodies have met the IAS accreditation requirements and are periodically monitored for compliance.
国际认可论坛 (International Accreditation Forum,英文缩写IAF)成立于1993年1月,是从事认证机构认可、审定核查机构认可的认可机构及其利益相关方共同组成的国际认可合作组织。 IAF致力于在世界范围内提高合格评定和认可活动的一致性和有效性,推动经过认可的合格评定结果证书得到采信,以促进贸易便利化和经济社会的可持续发展。 IAF现有成员128个,包括95家认可机构,6个区域认可合作组织以及27个代表合格评定机构、工业界、用户等利益相关方的国际、区 …
IAS accredits testing laboratories by verifying technical competence and assessing their management systems to the international standard ISO/IEC Standard 17025. The process for becoming an IAS-accredited testing laboratory begins with the testing laboratory’s submittal of an application, applicable fees, and management system documentation.
ISO Malaysia | ISO Certification in Malaysia - IAS
IAS is a leading certification body that provides ISO certification. Contact us today to implement the international standards of ISO in Malaysia! Email: [email protected], Phone: +60 3-2201 5087, +60 19-399 9853
ISO Certification in Hong Kong ꟾ ISO Certification Body - IAS
IAS offers a wide range of ISO certification services covering standards such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety). We also provide tailored compliance services designed to meet the diverse requirements of various industries.
IAS akreditasyon programları, akreditasyonlarının yurtiçi ve / veya global olarak kabul edilmesini sağlayan tanınmış ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara dayanmaktadır. IAS, aynı zamanda IAF (International Accreditation Forum)’a bağlı olan PAC (Pacific Accreditation Cooperation) grubunda olan bir kurumdur.
ISO Certification in Australia | ISO Certification Body - IAS
Integrated Assessment Services (IAS) is an authorized ISO certification body with Universal Quality Accreditation Services (UQAS) accreditation. From its initial inception in 2007, IAS has grown in many ways in the certification business.
IAS: ISO/IEC Standard 17025 - Testing Laboratories Accreditation
IAS accredits cleaning/sanitation testing laboratories to ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and appropriate industry specific sanitation and cleaning standards (e.g. ‘ISSA Clean Standard’). The laboratories are tasked with – examining physical evidence, performing various tests, interpreting data from these tests, reporting the data.