Sub-areas in IATA World Map AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 North America Canada, USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico, US virgin Islands, Greenland. Europe ... Libya Japan, Korea Sub -area. Japan, …
IATA MAP | IATA Traffic Conference Areas (IATA TCs) - Aviation …
2023年4月4日 · To fully understand the routing of Airlines and their respective fare calculations, the International Air Transport Association divided the world into three geographical areas …
In this file you can find the explanation which IATA zone destination codes are linked to which destination countries. AFKL uses these destination zone codes in the rate agreement overviews.
IATA Traffic Conference Areas » IATA Areas, IATA Geography
IATA Area 1 or TC1 IATA Area1 or TC1 is composed of the Western Hemisphere. There are the classifications and the sub-areas. The TC1 can be divided into the below mentioned sub …
航空运输“航协区”(TC1、TC2、TC3)是什么意思? - 知乎
1、南亚次大陆区——包括阿富汗、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰忙等南亚国家。 2、东南亚区—— 包括中国(含港、澳、台)、东南亚诸国、蒙古、俄罗斯亚洲部分及土库曼斯坦等独联体国家、 …
iata二區(tc2) 歐洲、非洲及其附屬島嶼,亞森松群島和烏拉爾山以西的亞洲部分,包括伊朗和中東 歐洲 al阿爾巴尼亞;ad安道爾;am亞美尼亞;at奧地利;az阿塞拜疆;ba波士尼亞-黑塞哥 …
What are the three major IATA areas? - Travel FAQ (2024 Edition)
2023年11月30日 · The three major IATA areas are: IATA Area 1, IATA Area 2, and IATA Area 3. IATA Area 1 covers North America and most of South America, as well as a few points in the …
Iata Area 1-2-3 | PDF | Sports & Recreation - Scribd
Area 1 includes cities in North and South America as well as some in Europe and Africa. Area 2 includes cities primarily in Europe as well as some in Western Asia. Area 3 includes cities …
IATA - IATA by Region
2024年11月19日 · IATA has over 50 offices over the world, supporting our members in some 120 countries. The IATA regional pages are your access to regional priorities and news. Africa & …
IATA Areas
IATA Area 1 or TC 1 comprises of North America, South America, Central America and the adjacent islands like Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Islands of the Caribbean Sea, …
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