How it works: z/OS Workload Manager (WLM) - IBM
The Workload Manager component of the z/OS system (referred to as WLM) monitors a sysplex and determines how much resource should be given to each item of work in the sysplex to meet the goals that you have defined for it. It also reports data about the work.
Workload Management task - IBM
The Workload Management task in z/OSMF provides a browser-based user interface that you can use to manage z/OS® Workload Manager (WLM) service definitions and to provide guidelines for WLM to use when allocating resources.
Workload Manager - Wikipedia
In IBM mainframes, Workload Manager (WLM) is a base component of MVS/ESA mainframe operating system, and its successors up to and including z/OS. It controls the access to system resources for the work executing on z/OS based on administrator-defined goals.
Workload manager - IBM
Workload Manager (WLM) gives system administrators more control over how the scheduler and the virtual memory manager (VMM) allocate resources to processes. Using WLM, you can prevent different classes of jobs from interfering with each other and you can allocate resources based on the requirements of different groups of users. Classes
iv System Programmer’s Guide to: Workload Manager Donor and receiver determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ...
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012 What is a WLM transaction? • A WLM transaction represents a WLM "unit of work" – Basic workload entity for which WLM collects a resource usage value – Foundation for statistics presented in workload activity report – …
z/OSMF WLM Tutorial - IBM MediaCenter
The Workload Management plugin in z/OSMF provides a browser-based user interface for working with the Workload Manager on your z/OS® system.
System Programmer's Guide to: Workload Manager - IBM Redbooks
2007年2月23日 · It covers basic aspects of Workload Manager (WLM) together with the new functions available in z/OS V1R8. The book provides a discussion about how to create WLM policies based on business goals and the types of transactions that you run in your systems.
IBM Corporation 2004 WLM: 4 Types of DB2 Work §DB2 work that originates in another subsystem §DDF work requests §Queries that DB2 creates by splitting a single, larger query and distributing it to remote systems in a sysplex §DB2 Stored Procedure request §Fast Log Apply tasks are enclaves!
MVS™ Workload Management (WLM) and other IBM software products can be used to measure the processor cost of mobile workloads. This paper looks at how mobile-initiated and other transactions in IBM CICS®, IMS™, DB2®,