Home - ICL Graduate Business School
Explore our programmes in Business, Business Informatics and Early Childhood Education ranging from Bachelor’s to Master’s degrees. Experience the vibrant ‘Kiwi life’ as an international student in New Zealand – your ultimate choice for an enriching academic journey. Uncover why NZ is your best option.
During your time in New Zealand, you can gain the skills and experience you need to succeed anywhere in the world. The practical, hands-on learning style gives you a head start in the workforce or a solid foundation for further academic pursuit. In addition, you can take in the stunning beauty of this country. New Zealand is
新西兰ICL商业研究生学院 ICL Graduate Business School | 2023年 …
icl是新西兰目前最大的私立院校之一,学历受到新西兰本地学术委员会(nzqa)认可,同时也受中国教育部认可,回国可认证 教学品质优秀 ICL卓越的教育品质获得了新西兰学术委员会(NZQA)的一类评级
新西兰理工学院 | 【ICL教育集团】2021/2022年专业列表与新西兰 …
好: ICL商学院由NZQA和中国政府双重权威认证,从录取到转学分,安全可靠. 省: 时间省(原本4年完成的八大本科,在ICL3年完成);费用省(预科和八大本科学费每年约15万人民币,而ICL的前两年学费仅8万人民币,前两年一共可以节省约14万人民币学费) 中国的高二结束学生,或者高三毕业生参加了高考后,可以直接入读ICL商学院的5级信息系统专业或者5级商科专业(领导与管理)。 入读5级专科课程要求英语雅思达到总分5.5分,单项不低于5分,如不能达到这个分 …
ICL商学院_新西兰快捷留学移民顾问集团_PIONEER EDUCATION
ICL商业研究生学院(ICL Graduate Business School) 是新西兰高质量教育机构ICL教育集团旗下的商学院,由2002年成立的ICL商学院(ICL Business School)发展而来。 2007年,ICL商学院和国际语言学院(International College of Linguistics) 合并,成为今天的ICL商业研究生学院。 ICL致力于提供优质的教育,培养卓越的专业人才;努力帮助学生实现自己的学业目标和理想,取得尽可能高的成就。 ICL Graduate Business School位于新西兰最大、最多元化的城市奥克兰 …
NZ Licensed Immigration Advisor & Immigration Consultant- ICL
ICL Immigration provides specialized support for international students seeking university admissions in New Zealand. We assist with selecting the ideal institution for pursuing a diploma or any other course in New Zealand and offer comprehensive guidance throughout the admission, visa application process and settlement process.
新西兰ICL学院如何? - 知乎
2017年7月6日 · 新西兰icl学院如何? 本科11年华中科技大学市场营销毕业,有计划移民新西兰,中介推荐说让我去一个叫ICL的学校读一个快速的一年Postgraduate Diploma课程,…
Home - ICL Graduate Business School
Explore our programmes in Business, Business Informatics and Early Childhood Education ranging from Bachelor’s to Master’s degrees. Experience the vibrant ‘Kiwi life’ as an international student in New Zealand – your ultimate choice for an enriching academic journey. Uncover why NZ is your best option.
Programmes - ICL Graduate Business School
ICL Graduate Business School is a private training institution that offers practical programmes in Business, Business Informatics, and Early Childhood Education at all levels of study. Explore our range of programmes from undergraduate to master's degrees in Business, Business Informatics and ECE, designed for your success!
在教学表现与自我评估两大核心领域,nzqa均对icl商学院给予了高度评价,这充分证明了其在教育领域的领先地位与不懈努力。 课程设置的实用性与前瞻性