Imperial College London
Imperial College London is a world-leading university for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business (STEMB). Across our London campuses, and throughout our international network, we use science to tackle global challenges.
ICL Specialty Fertilizers | Homepage ICL
Welcome to the ICL UK website. Innovative solutions for grass, plants and edible crops. We offer a wide range of high quality fertilizers, plant protection products, growing media, wetting agents and biostimulants.
倫敦帝國學院 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
倫敦帝國學院 (英語: Imperial College London,亦稱 帝國理工學院),全名為 帝國科學、技術與醫學學院 (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine) [2][6],是一所位於 英國 倫敦 的公立 研究型大學。 1907年,帝國學院根據皇家憲章成立,曾為 倫敦大學 聯邦 的成員,並於2007年7月9日其百週年紀念日時成為一所獨立的大學 [7][8]。 帝國學院的本部校園位於 倫敦市中心 的 南肯辛頓,另設 查林十字 、 赤爾夕和西敏 、 漢墨斯密 、西北、皇家布朗普頓、 派丁 …
帝国理工学院 - 百度百科
帝国理工学院(英文:Imperial College London),全称为帝国科学技术与医学学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine),位于英国伦敦,是一所公立 研究型大学,并以工程专业而著名。 [1] [20-23] 学校是 金三角名校 、 罗素大学集团 、 欧洲研究型大学联盟 、 国际科技大学联盟 、 全球大学校长论坛 参与院校,被誉为“ G5 超级精英大学”之一。 [22] 帝国理工学院于1907年建立,由 维多利亚女王 和 阿尔伯特亲王 于1845年建立的皇家科学院和大英帝国 …
Home - The World's Only Polyhalite Mine | ICL Boulby
ICL PotashpluS™ Introducing Polysulphate Polyhalite is a new organic fertiliser with readily available sulphur plus potassium, magnesium and calcium for better crops.
ICL United Kingdom: Growing Solutions for Crops, Plants & Turf Grass - UK
ICL, a world-renowned leader in agriculture, food, and industrial products, leverages its unmatched research and development capabilities to create pioneering solutions that address the most pressing sustainability concerns faced by humanity.
ICL Group: Global manufacturer of Specialty Minerals and Fertilizers
We offer a wide range of innovative and sustainable products that can be implemented in various applications and parts of automotive, autonomous vehicles, and electric vehicle manufacturing.
Career UK - ICL
ICL in the UK offers a wide range of career opportunities to support their mining operations, engineering, maintenance and manufacturing teams, sales, health & safety, research & development, and corporate functions. Join us and discover a world where your career can thrive, and your contributions truly matter.
Turf & Landscape Fertilisers and Solutions | ICL UK
ICL Turf & Landscape offers cutting-edge, innovative solutions designed to enhance turf strength, health, and performance, ensuring optimal results at every level.
globe-icl - global-icl
ICL is one of the top companies in the industry, with branches at all major ports and inland borders. Our innovative and creative solutions provide your business with access to advanced logistics technology, firm financial efficiency and total global coverage.