The International Capital Market Association » ICMA
For over 50 years ICMA and its members have worked together to promote the development of the international capital and securities markets, pioneering the rules, principles and …
ICMA, which was formed in 1914, is the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world. With over 10,000 members, the organization advances professional local government through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics
ICMA China Center | icma.org
The ICMA China Center, together with ICMA and the city of Yangzhou, sponsored ICMA's first International Regional Summit in May 2014. Attended by 200 people from eight countries, the summit offered presentations, site visits, case studies, and discussions focused on the theme of "Eco-Friendly Urbanization" and the challenges of sustainable ...
国际资本市场协会 - 百度百科
国际资本市场协会(ICMA,International Capital Market Association)成立于1969年,是一个源于欧洲、服务全球,为国际资本市场制定行业规范的自律组织,总部设在瑞士苏黎世,并在伦敦、巴黎、香港设有分支机构。
ICMA中心 | 亨利商学院
英国雷丁大学的ICMA中心即国际资本市场协会。 该协会被称为是全球金融界的“精英协会”,是一个为国际金融市场制定行业规范的机构,同时也是国际证券市场的贸易协会。
国际证券市场协会 - 百度百科
ICMA执行委员Education’s OCP证明是重视对开发根据对现金市场证券的主要操作的过程的详尽的理解的实用技能的强的第二级 (中间)资格 (资产,结合并且资产连接了)。
Stunning Changes Seen in ICMA China Programs
2018年5月7日 · In Beijing, ICMA renewed its 2011 agreement with China University of Political Science and Law, which is the foundation of the ICMA China Center. The center will continue to support ICMA guest lecturers, facilitate study tours to the United States and China, and develop curriculum and materials based on ICMA’s resources.
国际资本市场协会(ICMA) - 亨利商学院
ICMA优先考虑四个核心固定收益市场领域——初级市场;二级市场;回购和抵押品;以及绿色、社会和可持续市场。 该协会的目标是: 为国际资本和证券市场的参与者提供服务和帮助。 ICMA的使命是促进弹性良好的国际和全球协调的跨境债券证券市场,这对于资助可持续的经济增长和发展至关重要。 为了实现其使命,ICMA致力于: 通过提供培训和教育机会,提高资本市场参与者的专业水平。 ICMA致力于平等、多样性和包容性,并致力于提升专业诚信的最高标准。 官方网 …
2023年2月2日 · ICMA数据出境合规评估解决方案, 从法律与数据双通路共同推进企业内部数据资产盘点、数据跨境合规治理、安全制度建立和落地、风险与差距评估、合规法律与数据咨询落地等,并有意识探索形成数据跨境自评估行业最佳实践案例,促进安全与发展并行的数据 ...
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