ID-52E | Products - Icom Inc.
The ID-52E is a VHF/UHF dual band radio with D-STAR and FM dual mode functions. The ID-52E supports conventional FM communications as well as D-STAR simplex, repeater, regional, and worldwide calls over the D-STAR Internet gateway.
Icom ID-52评测:无敌的数字双频收发器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Icom ID-52作为一款备受期待的数字双频收发器,在外观设计、功能性能和应用领域上都表现出色。 其大尺寸彩色显示屏、双频接收功能、瀑布频谱显示、防水设计和与D-STAR网络的紧密结合,使其成为无线通信领域的一颗明星。
业余无线电通信_icom ID52A / E业余手持对讲机,彩色屏幕,蓝牙 …
近日,Icom Incorporated (总部:日本大阪平野/总裁:Masataka Harima)发布了ID-52A / E ,VHF / UHF业余双频段数字对讲机,支持D-STAR模式。 ID-52A是美国版本,ID-52E是欧洲版本. ID-52A / E配有彩色屏幕,显示屏尺寸为2.3英寸 (ID-51A / E为1.7英寸)。 即使在明亮的阳光下,该显示屏也有着出色的可视性。 该对讲机支持蓝牙设备,可以无线连接到安卓APP,使用ST-4001A / ST-4001I照片 软件 可以轻松通过对讲机发送图片。 还可以使用RS-MS1A进行远程控制,选配 …
Icom id-52e - Radioworld UK
The ICOM ID-52E is a versatile and feature-rich handheld transceiver that is designed for amateur radio operators. It offers a wide range of functions and capabilities, making it suitable for various communication needs. With its compact size and lightweight design, the ID-52E is highly portable and easy to carry.
Icom handheld flagship ID-52E PLUS, order here - WiMo
The Icom ID-52E PLUS and ID-52E PLUS 60 th anniversary are robust dual-band handheld radios with a wide range of technical features. The 2.3" color display allows a generous display of the settings as well as easy operation when programming …
Icom handheld flagship ID-52E order here - WiMo
The ID-52E is a robust dual-band handheld radio with very rich technical features. The 2.3" colour display allows a generous presentation of the settings as well as easy operation when programming and selecting the numerous menu options. The transmitter is adjustable in 5 steps from 0.1 to 5 watts.
ID-52E | Products - Icom America
The ID-52E is a VHF/UHF dual band radio with D-STAR and FM dual mode functions. The ID-52E supports conventional FM communications as well as D-STAR simplex, repeater, regional, and worldwide calls over the D-STAR Internet gateway.
ID-52E PLUS - Icom Europe
The ID-52E PLUS is a VHF/UHF dual band radio with D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) and FM dual mode functions. The ID-52E PLUS supports conventional FM communications as well as D-STAR simplex, repeater, regional, and worldwide calls over the D-STAR Internet gateway.
在网站的搜索框中输入“ID-52A” 或“ID-52E”。 包括基本操作和注意事项。 D-STAR指南还包括向网关中继器注册呼号以及D-STAR的基本操作。 描述远程控制操作中使用的控制命令(使用CI-V进行串行通信)。 使用DV网关功能的系统要求或操作说明。 更新中继器列表的步骤说明。 操作GPS 记录器功能的说明,该功能将GPS接收器的位置数据作为日志保存到microSD卡上。 Icom、Icom 股份有限公司和Icom 徽标是Icom Incorporated(日本)在日本、美国、英国、德国、法国、西班牙、俄 …
ID-52E PLUS | Products - Icom Inc.
2024年7月12日 · The ID-52E PLUS is a VHF/UHF dual band radio with D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) and FM dual mode functions. The ID-52E PLUS supports conventional FM communications as well as D-STAR simplex, repeater, regional, and worldwide calls over the D-STAR Internet gateway.