Acetylation of intrinsically disordered regions regulates phase ...
2018年12月10日 · Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of proteins containing intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) has been proposed as a mechanism underlying the formation of...
『珍藏版』Cell发布“相分离”研究指南 - 知乎
近日Simon Alberti, Amy Gladfelter, 和 Tanja Mittag联合在 Cell 杂志发表了题为: Considerations and Challenges in Studying Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Biomolecular Condensates 的文章,较为系统地阐述了LLPS相关的理论基础,提出了LLPS的体内体外的实验设计方法的具体指南。
你们想要的这篇高分重磅综述真来了!兼顾所有科研汪! - 知乎
2021年8月2日,苏州大学生物医学研究所的周芳芳教授和浙江大学生命科学研究所张龙教授在影响因子18.187分的 Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 杂志上发表了题为《Liquid-liquid phase separation in human health and diseases》的综述,系统性地为我们介绍了 液相分离 在人类生理状态和疾病状态下的功能作用。 为了帮助大家更好的吸收综述的内容,我在阅读综述的时候,也给大家翻译了遍,希望能给大家带来有真正价值的“学术营养”。
Determinants that enable disordered protein assembly into …
2024年2月5日 · To simplify the identification of polypeptide sequences that are orthogonal to one another with respect to LLPS, we expressed pairs of IDRs and full-length (FL) proteins in a cellular context...
蛋白结构预测 | 内在无序区域(IDR)相变预测 - 知乎
然而,近50年的研究中,有一种没有特定三维结构的蛋白不断被研究人员发现,由于这类蛋白 无法折叠成稳定的三维结构 而称为 固有无序蛋白 (intrinsically disordered regions,IDRs)。 这类蛋白虽然缺乏稳定结构且 高度可变。 IDRs的存在,使得蛋白更 容易形成液滴状,诱发相变 生成和调控的发生。 一言以蔽之: 类朊病毒无序区,是蛋白具有发生相变能力的前提。
Intrinsically disordered protein regions and phase separation: …
2020年12月11日 · Intrinsically disordered protein regions (IDRs) - regions that do not fold into a fixed three-dimensional structure but instead exist in a heterogeneous ensemble of conformations - have recently entered mainstream cell biology in the context of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). IDRs are frequen …
Liquid-liquid phase separation of light-inducible transcription …
We achieve this advance by driving optogenetic TFs to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and to form TF droplets around their target promoters. Eukaryotic cells are highly compartmentalized into specific organelles, which are either membrane enclosed or …
Rational peptide design for regulating liquid–liquid phase …
2022年8月12日 · Peptides are promising candidates for artificial LLPS-regulators because of their ability to potentially bind to IDRs complementarily. In this study, we provide a rational peptide design...
中国科学家在Nature及其子刊发文,揭示液-液相分离不仅影响病 …
2021年7月26日 · 在第一篇论文中,来自中国苏州大学、浙江大学、中山大学和重庆医科大学的研究人员着手研究SARS-CoV-2核衣壳蛋白(SARS2-NP)的LLPS,该蛋白含有的几个内在无序区域(intrinsically disordered region, IDR)是LLPS的常见驱动因素。 事实上,SARS2-NP在体外和细胞中都发生了LLPS。 然而,这与IDR无关,而是由C端二聚化结构域介导的。
Kinase regulation by liquid–liquid phase separation - Cell Press
2022年12月16日 · Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) compartmentalizes kinases, substrates, and cofactors to promote substrate selectivity and spatiotemporal control of signaling events. Some kinases can act as scaffolds for phase separation, whereas others act as clients that depend on the LLPS properties of scaffolds.