Integrated DNA Technologies | IDT
Accelerate your research with >90% of standard desalted oligo orders shipped within 24 hours. Discounts & promotions Go further with industry-leading genomic products designed to meet your research needs.
OligoAnalyzer Tool - Primer analysis and Tm Calculator | IDT
Predict oligo secondary structure or possible duplexes with HAIRPIN, SELF-DIMER, and HETERO-DIMER options. Search for matches to your input oligo sequence in the NCBI BLAST database. Explore mismatch and melting temperature variations with the TM MISMATCH option.
Custom DNA Oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Get industry-leading DNA oligos faster than ever. IDT oligos are produced with high coupling efficiencies to deliver premium single-stranded, pooled, or duplexed DNA to fulfill your research goals.
OligoAnalyzer工具使用介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
OligoAnalyzer是由 IDT 提供的一款在线工具,用于分析和设计引物等寡核苷酸(oligos),特别是用于 PCR 、基因合成、 RNA干扰 (RNAi)以及其他分子生物学实验中的寡核苷酸。 该工具可以帮助研究人员评估设计的寡核苷酸的热力学稳定性、二级结构、自我配对、互补配对等属性,从而提高实验设计的准确 ...
IDT Oligo Analyzer - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
随着生物技术的不断发展,寡核苷酸序列(Oligo)合成已成为生物研究领域的重要工具,涉及二代测序、PCR、基因编辑等多个方面。在这些领域中,IDT oligo作为一款功能全面的软件,为研究者提供了便捷、高效的序列设…
Oligo synthesis: Why IDT is a leader in the oligo industry
2015年12月18日 · When customers order oligonucleotides from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), they consistently receive high-quality oligos. Through improvements to traditional synthesis chemistries and advances in our proprietary synthesis platform, we can synthesize longer oligos with better sequence fidelity and a higher percentage of full-length product ...
Custom DNA Oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Order IDT's single-stranded, duplexed, and pooled DNA oligos. Design oligos and PCR primers with quenchers, fluorophores, spacers, linkers, and modifications.
Ultramer RNA Oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Order Ultramer™ RNA Oligonucleotides from IDT. Single-stranded RNA oligos up to 120 bases, desalted and delivered dry in tubes.
TruGrade DNA oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
TruGrade oligos are manufactured by proprietary methods that have been shown to reduce index crosstalk and increase success of multiplex NGS experiments. With TruGrade oligos, you can: Obtain DNA oligos with cross-contamination levels as low as 0.01%; Select from a variety of product options to suit your requirements
Ultramer DNA Oligos | IDT - Integrated DNA Technologies
Every IDT custom oligo is synthesized to order through a series of tightly controlled steps, including the coupling of the individual bases, cleaving the oligo from the solid support, desalting, and, if requested, purification. Each of these steps will result in a loss of final yield, which varies with each synthesis.