Ieee 81 | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2008年2月12日 · A ground resistance tester as manufactured by Megger, can be used for a two-point resistance test per IEEE Std 81. Is there a low impedance ground such as a metal water pipe system or a connection to the utility multigrounded neutral on site that you can use as an auxiliary ground?
IEEE 81 | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2003年8月13日 · The resistance to ground shall be measured using a fall- to - potential method described in IEEE-81. I'm not sure what this test entails. Is there any way I can read this standard without purchasing some costly book? I really thank the regulars here for their time invested to keep the standards of work high!
Can a "Ground Resistance Test" be done with a DMM?
2006年4月15日 · I believe that there are both ground resistance tests and ground impedance tests. IEEE 81 describes "Fall of Potential Method" as an impedance test. Impedance tests are important when the resistance is .5 ohms or less, not the 25 ohms we are used to. I also agree that a dc test with a dvm is usually inaccurate, because of the probability of galvanic action or other stray dc currents, unless ...
IEEE Ground Grid | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
2019年1月4日 · I have question about IEEE-80 ground grid. IEEE-80 says that the total depth of the horizontal ground grid below grade should be 18 inches. But it does not give information that how much should be the depth of the soil, how much should be the depth of crushed-rock, and how much should be the...
Grounding & Bonding Aircraft Hangars | Information by Electrical ...
2015年6月11日 · In an initial review of IEEE 81, it appears a though there is a 10,000 Ohm threshold on the static grounds, and a 25 Ohm
How to calculate resistance of grounding system? | Information by ...
2025年3月7日 · As others have mentioned, it is likely asking for 10 ohms or less from the ground bar to the earth, which you would perform a fall of potential test per IEEE 81. The ground bar conductor to the grounding electrode system is almost insignificant.
25 OHMS for grounding. | Information by Electrical Professionals …
2013年11月26日 · Perform fall-of-potential or alternative test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 81 on the maingrounding electrode or system.3. Perform point-to-point tests to determine the resistance between the main grounding system andall major electrical equipment frames, system neutral, and derived neutral points.
Ground testing versus no bonding | Information by Electrical ...
2010年9月12日 · 2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. 3. Inspect anchorage. 2. Electrical Tests 1. Perform fall of potential or alternative test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 81 on the main grounding electrode or system. 2.
Equipment Bonding | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
2010年8月12日 · The practices that you need to follow are in IEEE 142 (The Green Book). Measuring is coverd in IEEE 81. The issue of step and touch potentials is covered in IEEE 80, although this is for Substation Grounding. There is some discussion in IEEE 142 about this but it references back to IEEE 80.
two ground rods negating the requirement to check for impedance
2015年12月4日 · IEEE 81 does not recognize clamp-on tests as an effective method, so we still rely on fall-of-potential when performing grid testing. There are issues with the clamp on testers to be sure (and price tag is one of them), but a trained …