IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Computer Society is the top source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering, empowering technologist worldwide
About IEEE Computer Society
Engaging computer engineers, scientists, academia, and industry professionals from all areas of computing, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) sets the standard for the education and engagement that fuels continued global technological advancement.
IEEE Computer Society - Wikipedia
IEEE Computer Society (commonly known as the Computer Society or CS) is a technical society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) dedicated to computing, namely the major areas of hardware, software, standards and people, [2] "advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing ...
加入IEEE CS - 中国计算机学会
2020年10月13日 · 中国计算机学会(CCF)和美国电子与电气工程师协会计算机学会(IEEE CS)合作为CCF会员提供服务。 从2010年起,CCF与IEEE CS签订了合作备忘,并一直保持良好的合作关系。 从2020年开始, CCF会员可继续享受IEEE CS提供的以下服务: ² 交纳人民币65元(学生会员30元),即可获得一年IEEE CS准会员资格(sister society associate program, SSA),并获得唯一的准会员号。 (下附交费方式) ² 可阅读IEEE CS ComputingEdge电子 …
Discover IEEE Computer Society Membership
Build your technical skills, discover new opportunities, and connect to a global community of technologists. Thrive and be a part of the world's foremost association of computing leaders driving the future of technology. Get discounts to conferences and tap into mentorship programs, career development webinars, and more.
计算机协会-CS - IEEE中国
IEEE计算机协会数字图书馆(CSDL)从3,500多个学术会议和27计算机协会期刊提供了330,000多篇文章和论文。 会议出版服务部门每年产生250多个会议记录、光盘和多媒体。 计算机协会出版社通过与John Wiley和Sons的合作出版长篇技术书籍的尖端课题,以及电子产品(ReadyNotes)和有版权标记的论文集(EssentialSets)。 计算机协会约有40%的成员生活和工作在美国以外,计算机协会促进国际交流、合作和信息交流。 它通过与美国计算科学认可委员会和工程技术认证 …
Catalog - IEEE
Grow your career with membership in the IEEE Computer Society, the world’s leading organization of computing and information technology professionals. What we offer: Trusted content from 33 magazines and transactions; More than 9,000 conference publications; Standards Development; Online learning with more than 45 Professional Development ...
The IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) is the premier source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering! We are a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts united by a common goal – to foster a dynamic coding environment through an exciting array of tech and semi-tech events.
The IEEE Computer Society is the premier source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering. Connecting members worldwide, the Computer Society empowers the people who advance technology by delivering tools for individuals at all stages of their professional careers.
计算机协会开放获取期刊(OJ-CS)欢迎投稿 - IEEE中国
2020年8月3日 · The IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (以下简称OJ-CS) 遵循高标准同行评议,用于快速出版开放获取文章,涵盖所有与计算机协会相关的高度影响领域。 OJ-CS补充了现有IEEE计算机协会出版物,它提供了一个快速审查周期和对仅开放式框架内的技术文章的彻底审 …