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Download FIFA Soccer 06 (Windows) - My Abandonware
If you haven't played FIFA Soccer 06 or want to try this sports video game, download it now for free! Published in 2005 by Electronic Arts, Inc., CNEC Inc., FIFA Soccer 06 (aka FIFA 06:世界杯之路, FIFA 06) is still a popular soccer / football (european) title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.5/5 rating.
FIFA 06 - Wikipedia
FIFA 06, known as FIFA Soccer 06 in North America, is a football simulation video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts under the EA Sports label. It was released in the United States on 4 October 2005 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Microsoft Windows, and Nintendo DS.
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FIFA 06 - EA Sports FC wiki
FIFA 06, also known as FIFA Soccer 06, developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts based on the game of football. It was released in the United States on 4 October 2005 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Windows, and Nintendo DS. It was later released for PlayStation Portable, Game Boy Advance, and mobile phones.
《FIFA世界杯2006》简体中文免安装版 - 3DM下载
2006年4月29日 · 《FIFA世界杯2006 (Fifa World Cup 2006)》是由Big Huge Games制作的一款体育运动类游戏,为了迎接2006年比较大的体育赛事,2006年FIFA德国世界杯,EA公司在3月1日公布了其经过FIFA授权出品的相关游戏《2006 FIFA World Cup》,本作将会在包括XBOX360在内的全平台推出,在每个世界杯年推出与世界杯相关的全平台游戏已经成为了EA一种传统,玩家可以在任何一款游戏平台上感受到本作的乐趣。 游戏将会忠实展现位于德国的12处官方世界杯赛事 …
FIFA 06 (PC ISO) : Electronic Arts : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
2021年8月28日 · The ISO image of the FIFA 06 PC Game. When installed, and trying to play it, it shows a message that no cd-dvd inserted. There is 1 review for this item.
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2025年3月9日 · 另外,iFA 平台还有仿真虚拟调试、预测维护、web 诊断、AI 助手这些功能呢。官方特意强调了一些亮点,像轻量部署模块设计,把博途安装又费时间又费资源的问题给解决了,还有在线升级功能,不用再被每年一个新版本这种情况困扰。
FIFA 2006_FIFA 2006中文版下载_攻略_MOD补丁_修改器 - 游侠网
FIFA 2006游戏专题;提供FIFA 2006中文版下载,FIFA 2006攻略大全,FIFA 2006汉化补丁,FIFA 2006视频解说,攻略视频,修改器,汉化下载,完美存档,MOD,配置,教学,截图,壁纸等资料。 更多《FIFA 2006》相关内容尽在游侠网。