ULP - IFE Interface User Guide (UL)
ULP 页面显示 ULP 端口连接的全局统计数据。 具有 Installer 或 Engineer 角色的用户能够查阅“诊断”页。 导航至“ULP”页. 如要查看 ULP 页,请单击 诊断 > 通讯 > ULP 。 ULP 全局统计
ULP - IFE Interface User Guide (UL)
The ULP page displays the global statistics of ULP port connection. The users with Installer or Engineer roles can consult the Diagnostics pages. Navigation to the ULP Page
ULP System Presentation - Schneider Electric
Use the ULP (Universal Logic Plug) system to construct an electrical distribution solution which integrates metering, communication, and operating assistance functions for circuit breakers. Use the ULP system to enhance the functions of Compact NSX, Compact NS, Masterpact NT/NW, and Masterpact MTZ circuit breakers by:
ULP 系统介绍 - Schneider Electric
使用 ULP(通用逻辑插头)系统构建一种为断路器整合了计量、通讯和操作辅助功能的配电解决方案。 使用 ULP 系统来增强 PowerPact H 型、J 型和 L 型 、PowerPact P 型和 R 型、Masterpact NT/NW 和 Masterpact MTZ 断路器的功能,具体采用以下方式: o 通过 Ethernet 通讯链路进行访问,并通过 IFE 接口或 EIFE 接口(仅限 Masterpact MTZ 抽出式断路器)进行远程监控。 o 通过 Web 访问的方式监控连接到 IFE 接口或 EIFE 接口(仅限 Masterpact MTZ 断路器)的断路器 …
ULP Modules - Schneider Electric
oULP modules specific to Masterpact MTZ circuit breakers. The IFE Ethernet interface for one circuit breaker provides an Ethernet access to a single intelligent modular unit using a Compact or Masterpact circuit breaker. Each circuit breaker has its own IFE interface and a …
What is the difference between IFM (LV434000), IFE Module …
2022年8月11日 · Enables TCP/IP connectivity to all ULP & Modbus devices connected to itself with the help of IFE Switchboard Server (LV434002) stacked on it. Enables TCP/ IP connectivity to all ULP devices on its IMU. Supports TCP IP connectivity for all ULP Devices (IO, BCMT, and FDM121) on its own IMU.
Where to find ULP (Universal Logic Plug) System User Guide
ULP (Universal Logic Plug) System IFE Module IFM Module Circuit Breakers Environment User Guide, Configuration, Programming, Installation, Instruction Bulletin Cause A user needs to download a user guide for the ULP System Resolution See attached document below Refer to Article FA346367 for IFE Module Install Guide and User Guide
Solved: ULP Systems - Schneider Electric Community
2024年10月11日 · You need to stack at least 1x IFM to the IFE to externalise RS485 communication. Modbus Serial Port of the IFE is not accessible with any known cable or adapter... If you want to use Panel Server as a gateway for your IFM system, you can use cable LV434211 to connect IFM to RS485 port of Panel Server.
IFE上ULP状态LED指示灯的含义? | 施耐德电气 China
2021年3月22日 · 我们的客户关爱团队可为您提供详细信息、技术支持、投诉帮助等服务,请联系他们。 通过浏览与主题相关的常见问题解答 (FAQ),获取您需要的答案。 开始在线采购咨 …
智能模块单元 - IFE Interface User Guide (UL) - Schneider Electric
内部通讯组件( MicroLogic 控制单元或 MicroLogic 脱扣单元)和外部 ULP 模块( IO 模块)连接到一个通讯接口的断路器称为智能模块单元 (IMU)。 IMU 由以下范围的断路器构成: