Home | IFG
IfG Glastechnik engineers, builds and maintains complete systems for the application of separation agents/liquids and other industrial particulates. Those systems often incorporate our superb Economical Powdering System (EPS) and Ultrasonic Wet Spray Glass Coating System.
Ideas for Glas | IFG
IfG Glastechnik entwirft, baut und wartet komplette Anlagen zum Auftrag von Trennmitteln/-flüssigkeiten und technischen Stäube. Dabei setzen wir auf das wirtschaftliche Düsen- Puderauftragsverfahren EPS Economical Powdering System und einem Ultrasonic Wet Spray Coating System für Floatglas und low-E Glas.
Technology - IFG
Your benefits with Ultrasonic Glass Coating Systems. Reliable, repeatable non-clogging spray; Drastically reduced maintenance compared to pressure spray; Low maintenance; Drip-free system; Ultrasonic nozzles will not clog; Proven reliability for 24/7 manufacturing operations; Virtually no overspray and no mess; Spray width control for different ...
x-ray optical systems IFG - Institute for Scientific - glassglobal
In IfG, x-ray optical elements are developed, manufactured and integrated into scientific instruments: - Development and fabrication of x-ray capillary optics as components for material and structure analysis systems.
Home - ifg systems
Isoliergläser mit integrierten motorischen Sonnenschutzsystemen ermöglichen einen variablen Energieeintrag. In Kombination mit einer intelligenten Sonnenschutzsteuerung kann ein optimaler, der Jahreszeit angepasster, Energieeintrag realisiert werden.
Exhibitions – The International Festival of Glass - ifg.org.uk
Celebrate the beautiful world of beadmaking with miniature masterpieces made especially for the exhibition by 43 artists from around the world. A glorious mix of beautiful, quirky and ingenious. 23 August – 28 September, open Tuesday – Saturday 10am – …
The International Festival of Glass
2012年8月22日 · The only festival to celebrate glass in the uk. 23-26 August 2024, Stourbridge, UK
Fluoride glasses - Le Verre Fluoré
Since the discovery of ZBLAN glasses in 1974, Le Verre Fluoré has worked to develop a large range of fluoride optical fibers, including ZrF4, InF3 and AlF3 based optical fibers, designed for mid-infrared applications. Typical compositions for ZFG and IFG glasses are:
Company | IFG
IfG Glastechnik engineers, builds and maintains complete systems for the application of separation agents/liquids and other industrial particulates. Those systems often incorporate our superb Economical Powdering System (EPS) and Ultrasonic Wet Spray Glass Coating System.
IfG - Ingenieurbüro für Glastechnik GmbH
IfG Glastechnik GmbH mit Sitz in Waiblingen konzipiert und erstellt Maschinen zum Auftrag von Trennmitteln und technischen Stäuben auf Flachgläser jeglicher Art. Dabei setzt das weltweit tätige Unternehmen auf das innovative Economical Powdering System (EPS).