Ig-86 vs ig-88 — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
2016年5月17日 · Ig-86 vs ig-88. Prev 1 2 3 Next. Go. LaFlamaBlanca76. 79 posts Member. May 16, 2016 8:50PM. I own a fully ...
Droid Team Mods — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
2016年10月9日 · IG-86 and IG-88 4x Critical Damage and 2x Critical Chance for both, HK-47 6x Potency, IG-100 6x Health, Critical Chance or Defense, Jawa Engineer 4x Speed 2x Health or …
Is IG-86 a scoundrel? What's your position?
2016年8月17日 · Is IG-86 a scoundrel? What's your position? Prev 1 2 3 Next. Go. Argofett00. 197 posts Member.
Ig 88 or if 86 which is best for a droid team?
2020年2月1日 · I used droids because most of my empire squad is still too low gear to work with. My squad consisted of hk47 (gear 13 relic 4) lead, r2 (gear 13 relic 4), bb8, ig 88 and ig 86. …
IG-86 vs IG-88 - Page 2 — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
2016年1月28日 · 86 is alight less squishy than 88 and has a assist special. 88 has a higher standard pew pew and an aoe special with ability block. But is made from aluminium. If I had …
Hit Squad — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
IG-86 Poggle or Poe Thoughts? 0. Replies. moongod. 298 posts Member. March 17, 2016 3:07AM edited March ...
IG 86 - Droid Squad Tactics — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
2016年3月26日 · IG-86 gains 3% Critical Chance for each living Droid ally. In addition, he has +10% Critical Damage. Now, the first part of the description is pretty clear; then my question …
Has IG-86 Assist always been broken? — Star Wars Galaxy of …
2016年8月9日 · Has IG-86 "Assassin Droid Tactics" ability always been broken, where the random ally being called for the assist is not gaining the additional 75% Critical Damage? With …
IG-86 — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
IG-88 was a known bounty hunter. I don't think 86 was anything. 0. Reply to this topic
IG-86 or GS — Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums
2016年6月21日 · IG-86 or GS. Seknos. 306 posts Member. June 21, 2016 7:09PM. ... For fast damage output geo, for just base ...