p:IGI+ - IGI - IGI Ltd
Import of text, Excel and p:IGI-3 data, with an easy to use, semi-automated import system with full alias support. Import well data including deviation surveys, stratigraphy, temperature data and auto-populate sample data.
p:IGI-3 - IGI - IGI Ltd
p:IGI-3 comprises an expanded geochemical data structure, alongside a dynamic multidimensional visualisation and interpretation tool with elegant graphing capabilities. The software includes an extensive menu of pre-built industry standard plots, most of which have interpretational overlays to guide the user.
Home - IGI
Established in 1983, IGI Ltd is a geochemical consultancy and producer of geochemical interpretation and data management software. Operating worldwide, we offer the following services to the energy industry: Consultancy: geochemical interpretation and basin & petroleum systems modelling project work
Project I.G.I.: I'm Going In Nexus - Mods and community
2023年8月24日 · An advanced work-in-progress tool designed to revolutionize the way you interact with game assets for all versions of the iconic games Project IGI 1 and 2.
Project IGI | PIGI | Mods & Resources - GameBanana
Project IGI - Mods & Resources by the PIGI Modding Community.
p:IGI+ User Guide - The IGI user guides - IGI Ltd
We have built p:IGI+ to be as intuitive to use as we can make it, so hopefully this guide will remain relatively short. A series of useful resources can be found on the download page. We also maintain a list of known issues for each release version.
Game files - Mods for Project IGI. - GameBanana
Game files Mods for Project IGI (PIGI) Ads keep us online. Without them, we wouldn't exist. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. But every month we have large bills and running ads is our only way to cover them.
Project I.G.I. - Wikipedia
Former British SAS agent David Llewellyn Jones is sent by the Pentagon to Tallinn, Estonia, where he is to track down and extract a kidnapped Estonian arms dealer Josef Priboi, who has vital information regarding the recent theft of an American W-88 nuclear warhead from a storage depot in Germany.
p:IGI+ downloads - IGI - IGI Ltd
We have updated the UK public geochemistry data release to be compatible with p:IGI+2.5. These are split into 5 files which are provided as a single zip file which can be downloaded here. Other resources are available for download, and this resource will grow as we create more useful artefacts and templates. These include:
p:IGI+ Demo Project - The IGI user guides
With each release of p:IGI+, IGI provides a demonstration project file already populated with data. This ensures there is no barrier to use for current or new users wishing to evaluate the software or explore the new features. Access to the available demo project can be found on the p:IGI+ Downloads page. The Demo Project Contents