Innova™ IGS 520 - GE Healthcare
Experience unmatched anatomical coverage with the Innova ™ IGS 520 system and its 20.5 x 20.5 cm (8.1 in) square flat-panel digital detector, tailored for EP procedures. Offering 38% more coverage than standard 17.7 cm (7 in) panels, it streamlines imaging with fewer runs while optimizing contrast and dose utilization.
Innova IGS 520 | gehealthcare网
Innova™ IGS 520 是一种落地式图像引导系统,可用于导管室的心血管和电生理手术。 Innova IGS 520 采用 20.5 x 20.5 cm(8.1 英寸)方形平板数字探测器进行 EP 手术,覆盖范围比 17.7 cm(7 英寸)方形平板大 38%。 其涵盖了更多的解剖结构,设计用于比小型探测器运行次数更少的情况,从而能够有效利用造影剂和剂量。 这款专有血管造影平板探测器能提供位居业界前列的探测量子效率 (DQE),该参数在国际上被公认为在临床研究中进行的造影剂和剂量限制成像中探 …
Innova IGS 520 | GE HealthCare (Middle East)
With its 20.5 x 20.5 cm (8.1 in) square flat-panel digital detector for EP procedures, Innova IGS 520 offers 38% greater coverage than 17.7 cm (7 in) square panels. It covers more anatomy, designed for fewer runs than smaller detectors, enabling efficient use of contrast and dose.
Cath Lab Overview – GE Innova IGS 520, 530, 540
2024年6月4日 · What does the “IGS” stand for in the GE Innova IGS 520, 530, and 540? How do these systems compare with the GE Innova IQ systems? Why would someone look to buy a GE Innova IGS 520, 530, or 540?
Innova IGS 520| GE HealthCare
El sistema Innova IGS 520 ofrece un conjunto completo de funciones personalizadas para adaptarse a gran número de procedimientos electrofisiológicos. Gracias a su detector digital con panel cuadrado y plano de 20,5 x 20,5 cm (8,1 pulg.), ofrece una visualización excelente del corazón y de sus cavidades.
骑游利器,iGS520码表最强测评,秘技大公开 - 什么值得买
2021年9月10日 · iGS520包装小巧简洁,包含码表、USB线、快速使用说明书、底座和扎带、延伸支架。 手机下载iGPSPORT app,长按电源开机,按照说明书与手机配对。 配对注意事项: 配对不成功的可能原因,是码表的配对请求没有弹出,而是出现在了通知列表中。 需要在顶部下滑,找到码表配对请求通知,点击之后就能成功配对。 通知列表中允许. 弹出这个菜单可配对成功. 动图示范. 之后我按照自己的习惯设置页面,iGS520的页面设置非常人性化,可自定义、排序、隐藏 …
GE Innova IGS 520 - Clinical Imaging Systems
The GE Innova IGS520 uses a 20.5 x20.5 cm (8.1 in) square flat-panel digital detector, Innova IGS 520 offers 38% greater coverage than 17.7 cm (7 in) square panels and thus limit panning during your cardiac procedures.
Innova IGS 520 | GE HealthCare (United Kingdom)
Innova™ IGS 520 is a floor-mounted image-guided system for cardiovascular and electrophysiology procedures in the cath lab. Empowering Critical Thinking. The Innova IGS 520 system offers a comprehensive suite of functionality customized for a …
Innova IGS 520 - Elsan
Innova IGS 520 is a flat-panel detector system that enables surgeons to see vessels by injecting a product that is visible in radiography. This opacification of vessels, or angiography, makes it possible to locate diseased vascular areas and to carry out …
The IGS System is suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.