Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) | Fact Sheets - Indian Health Service (IHS)
PRC funds supplement healthcare resources for American Indian and Alaska Native patients. Due to limited IHS appropriations, PRC regulations determine eligibility and medical priority. IHS is the payer of last resort, meaning all other resources must be used first. The IHS implemented the following steps to enhance the PRC Program.
Chapter 3 - Purchased/Referred Care | Part 2 - Indian Health Service (IHS)
Established PRCDAs are listed in the Federal Register (FR) Notices. The current PRCDA Federal Register Notice can be found on the IHS PRC Web site. A PRCDA typically consists of a county that includes all or part of a reservation, and any county or counties that have a common boundary with the reservation.
PRC funds supplement healthcare resources for American Indian and Alaska Native patients. Due to limited IHS appropriations, PRC regulations determine eligibility and medical priority.
Using IHS & Purchased/Referred Care - Seasons of Care
The Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program, formerly called Contract Health Services, pays private healthcare providers for care that is not available from your local IHS or Tribal clinic, or in case of an emergency. To be eligible for PRC, you must be:
Purchase Referred Care Fiscal Intermediary Web Portal - myprcfi.com
Email IHS/PRC FI. Close. Indian Health Service Purchase Referred Care Fiscal Intermediary Web Portal If you forgot your username, call customer service @ 800-225-0241 Mon - Fri 7 AM - 4 PM Mountain Time Username. Password. Log in. Forgot Username? ...
What is PRC? Purchase Referred Care (PRC) is a program that is funded by the Federal Indian Health Services (IHS) and administered to the Quartz Valley Indian Tribe by the Anav Tribal Health Clinic. The PRC Program provides limited funding for …
Purchase Referred Care - Oklahoma City Indian Clinic
Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) is health care purchased by the Indian Health Service (IHS) from non IHS providers and facilities when direct services of care are not available. PRC is required to operate within appropriated funds.
Purchased Referred Care | Osage Nation Health System
The Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Program at IHS is for medical/dental care provided away from an IHS or tribal health care facility. How to Access PRC Services? Check your eligibility with your local IHS or tribal health care provider.
The Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program covers medical and dental services that tribal or IHS facilities can't offer. PRC comes into play when: • There's no tribal or IHS facility within a 40-mile radius of where the patient lives. • An IHS or tribal facility can't provide the emergency or specialized care needed.
Purchased Referred Care - Oyate Health Center
American Indian & Alaska Natives requesting an Indian Health Service (IHS) or Tribe*, Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program (formerly known as Contract Health Service/CHS) to pay for their referred or self-referred care must meet all of the requirements at 42 C.F.R** 136.