Infanterikanonvagn 72 - Wikipedia
Infanterikanonvagn 103 (Ikv 103) was a minor improvement of the Ikv 102. The Ikv 103 still retained the 105 mm gun. It received an engine upgrade and was equipped with the B42 horizontally-opposed four-cylinder engine developed by Volvo Aero. [4] Air intake was not via the crew compartment anymore, but via grills on the rear of the vehicle.
Infanterikanonvagn 91 - Wikipedia
Infanterikanonvagn (lit. ' infantry cannon wagon ') is the Swedish post 1940s term for assault gun, replacing the short-lived 1940s term stormartillerivagn (lit. ' assaullt artillery wagon ') with the introduction of the ikv 72 in 1953. The number 91 in the name means that it was the first assault gun in the Swedish armed forces to feature a cannon in the 9 …
Ikv 72 - War Thunder Wiki
The first version adopted was the Ikv 72, armed with a 75 mm gun. 36 units would be produced and would see service until the late 1950s, when it started to be replaced by the Ikv 102. Introduced in Update 1.97 "Viking Fury", the Ikv 72 is an excellent as a light tank destroyer, the good mobility allows usage in "hit and run" tactics, flanking ...
北欧装甲传奇(十六)——瑞典自行火炮发展史(三) - 知乎
在上世纪50年代初,瑞典推出了一款新装甲战斗车辆,名为自行步兵炮(瑞典语Infanterikanonvagn,简称Ikv)。 这种战车的主要目的是为步兵提供快速、直接的火力支援,与二战时期德国三号突击炮参战早期的定位相似,但不要求为步兵提供装甲掩护,因此不需要 ...
装甲战斗车辆编号索引(二)——瑞典篇(中) - 知乎
2021年1月22日 · Strv 71、72、73,Ikv 71、Ikv 101,Lvkv 41,Patgb 201都没有。 Ikv 105不是正式规范编号,所以没有Ikv 104是很正常的。 缺少的几个编号很可能是给采用年份纪年法的几款战车预留的,我在此猜测一下。
Infanterikanonvagn 72 / 102 / 103 - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年8月15日 · Infantry Cannon Carrier 72/102/103 (Ikv 72/102/103) was a family of diminuative armored vehicle developed by Landsverk. In early 1949, Swedish the army was looking to acquire a new generation of ...
Ikv 72 - War Thunder Wiki
The Ikv 72 is armed with the 7,5 cm kan m/41, a rather conventional quick-firing 75 mm field gun.It starts off with the unremarkable slpprj m/40 uncapped AP shot, which is adequate against most opposition it may encounter but tends to suffer ricochets against sloped armour. However, once upgraded, the gun may fire the slpgr m/39 uncapped APHE shell …
The lost Swedish Ikvs. : r/TankPorn - Reddit
Ikv 102 is an Ikv 72 that has been up-gunned with a 10 cm cannon, so it's possible that they simply skipped 101 to keep the series number (2), but even if that's the case there's still the question of where the Ikv 71 and Ikv 104 are. *Ikv 73 is a slightly modified Strv m/42. **Ikv 105 was a prototype version of Ikv 91 with a 10 cm cannon. Sources:
IKV 91坦克歼击车/轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
Ikv 91的第一批原型机于1969年完成,从1975年到1978年一直生产。 ... 将两枚71毫米的Lyran火炬迫击炮以及一套排烟器(通常为12个)安装在炮塔上。车辆装有激光测距仪,夜视以及用于提高首发命中率的计算机化火控系统。
swedish tt. : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年1月8日 · Strv 81 and Ikv 71 is both 7.3, and maybe Bandkanon and use it when you are downtiered. Edit: I thought you had normal Strv 81 not premium one. bring both Strv 81 Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts you may like Related War Thunder MMO Action game Gaming forward back. r/Warthunder. r/Warthunder ...