Ship SIKHA PNJ 882 (Other) Registered in India - Vessel details ...
Vessel SIKHA PNJ 882 is a Other, Registered in India. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of SIKHA PNJ 882 including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9969900, MMSI 419000882, Call sign
M V SIKHA PNJ 882, General Cargo Ship - VesselFinder
The vessel M V SIKHA PNJ 882 (IMO: 9969900, MMSI 419000882) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2022 (1 year old) and currently sailing under the flag of India.
M V SIKHA PNJ 882 General Cargo Ship, IMO , MMSI 419000882 …
Presentation of vessel M V SIKHA PNJ 882 built in 2022 (3 years old) of type General Cargo Ship with IMO number , MMSI number 419000882. She is under the call sign . Find more about size, dwt, dimensions, current position, ports of call and voyage information by Maritime-Database.com.
全球船舶数据库 - 航运在线 | 航运工具频道 - SOL.COM.CN
本系统共收录了全英文90,100条船舶资料,提供英文船名、呼号、IMO编号、船舶地面站、OFFICE NO、载重吨六种查询方式。 包括原船名、现船名、船舶种类、详细规范、管理公司、船东公司、造船商等信息。 是目前国内规模最大、数据相对最准确的全球船舶查询系统。 提示: 不可选的检索项为收费会员项目,购买之后即可开通权限. 本系统共收录了全英文90,100条船舶资料,提供英文船名、呼号、IMO编号、船舶地面站、OFFICE NO、载重吨六种查询方式。 包括 …
Port Newark - US PNJ - Arrivals, Details - Trackipi
The port Port Newark is also know as UN/LOCODE US PNJ and it is located in United States (USA), Northern America. According to AIS reports, there are 4 vessels currently expected to arrive at this port. The exact location of this port is (Latitude 40.683333, Longitude -74.116667).
船舶IMO识别码是什么? - 知乎专栏
船舶的IMO Number(国际海事组织 识别码,下称 IMO识别码)是独一无二的,相当于船舶的身份证号码,并且此号码贯穿于船舶终生。 IMO识别码原本只是国际海事组织对悬挂缔约国国旗的船舶进行方便登记管理所使用, 船舶最早使用编码登记至少可以追溯到20世纪60年代以前, 劳氏船级社 每年会对在其注册下的船舶进行编码排序。 随后为避免麻烦和规范管理,劳氏船级社决定将所登记船舶所使用的6位数编码作为船舶的终身代码。 20世纪70年代初期,劳氏船级社又与船东 …
VISHVA VIJAY - Bulk Carrier (IMO: 9533505, MMSI: 419000312 ...
The vessel VISHVA VIJAY (IMO: 9533505, MMSI: 419000312) is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 2012 ( 13 years old ). It's sailing under the flag of [IN] India. In this page you can find informations about the vessels current position, last detected port calls, and current voyage information.
Ship SIRSAIM PNJ 520 (Cargo) Registered in India - MarineTraffic
Vessel SIRSAIM PNJ 520 is a Cargo, Registered in India. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of SIRSAIM PNJ 520 including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 0, MMSI 419900955, Call sign 8TKM
PNJ'Q, IMO 9710749, 班级 A 船, MMSI 250883344 | Trackipi
查看 pnj'q, imo 9710749, 班级 a 船, mmsi 250883344 的船舶详细信息、当前位置、航程、港口停靠、船舶详细信息和其他有用的见解等信息。
PNJ'Q, IMO 9710749, Class A Vessel, MMSI 250883344
View details for PNJ'Q, IMO 9710749, Class A Vessel, MMSI 250883344, information like current position, voyage, ports calls, ship details and other useful insights.