IMR 4198 vs H4198? What's the difference? - Cast Boolits
2019年2月2日 · I don't understand! Why play games trying to analysis the differences and using data from one powder for another powder? Use H4198 data for H4198 and IMR data for IMR …
IMR 4198 in .44 Special ("Keith" Load) - Cast Boolits
2023年12月18日 · Hmm I am not sure about using IMR 4198. That powder seems a bit slow. I like using IMR 4227, about 16 grains behind a Keith style 250 grain bullet makes a good round. It's …
223 loads with IMR 4198 - AR15.COM
2013年9月11日 · Both H4198 and Australian-made IMR-4198 produce less gas port pressure than Canadian-made IMR-4198. H4198 and Australian-made IMR-4198 have trouble cycling …
IMR 4198 for Cast - Cast Boolits
2015年8月19日 · Either 18.0 grs. IMR 4227 or 24.0 grs. IMR 4198 have been my goto cast powder charges in 7mms and .30's for a long time. I'm still accuracy-testing 27.8 grs. IMR …
IMR 4198 vs H4198? What's the difference? - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2024年4月4日 · IMR IMR 4198 .311" 2.220" 21.2 1,917 42,200 CUP 22.5 2,070 43,600 CUP Hodgdon H4198 .312" 2.220" 22.5 1,947 33,600 CUP 24.5 2,122 39,800 CUP Assuming they …
Uses for IMR 4198 - Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
2019年4月20日 · I was recently offered a 8 lb. jug of IMR 4198, at a very reasonable price by one of the older members of a gun club I belong to. It was an offer, I couldn't refuse. I load most of …
Light 45-70 loads with IMR4198 - Cast Boolits
I use 29-30 gr IMR 4198 with dacron in my 1895 CB under a 330 Gould boolit. Shoots great, has accounted for several deer, many paper holes etc. Mild recoil, noise level. Even tho hollow …
IMR 4198 vs H4198? What's the difference? - Page 3 - Cast Boolits
2024年4月5日 · The IMR brand was first introduced under DuPont in the 1930’s. IMR is an acronym for Improved Military Rifle. The first IMR reloading powders included ever popular …
300 blackout imr 4198 h4198 recipe - Cast Boolits
2014年1月18日 · 300 blackout imr 4198 h4198 recipe Anyone have a good load recipe for 300 blackout using 160 gr. lee .312 mould sized to .309 with gas check and powder coated. I'd like …
45-70 and IMR-4198. Powder position sensitive? - Cast Boolits
2021年11月15日 · Stumbled upon IMR-4198 at the LGS and bought a couple of LBS to try to use. Lyman shows a load for a 24” barrel with 420gr cast bullet w/IMR-4198.. min of 21.5gr/952fps …