IMR 4895 discontinued - Shooters' Forum
2022年10月10日 · Hodgdon reports that H4895 works well at the 60% level assuming there is a book 100% load. Hodgdon also reports that IMR 4895 doesn't necessarily work - is erratic - at the 60% level, again assuming there is a book 100% load. By report IMR 4895 does generally work in reduced loads that are not reduced quite so much.
IMR 4895 Loads for .308 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月6日 · Re: IMR 4895 Loads for .308 At a hundred yards, the 41.5 gr. IMR 4895 load with a 168 SMK in the MWS is a lot more accurate than I am. (brass or primers don't seem to make any difference) Shooting 300+ you might need a hotter load though. There's a thread of go-to .308 loads going on now. Has a lot of good ideas.
6.5 Creedmoor 140gr HPBT with IMR 4895 - Sniper's Hide
2020年11月18日 · Hello, I am brand new to this forum. I have been reloading .308 and 30-06 using IMR 4895 powder with good results for many years. I did a search on the forums here to find out about using IMR 4895 for 6.5 CM. I want to load up a few rounds for my brand new 6.5 Creedmoor Savage 110 Ridge Warrior...
AA 2495 vs H4895 - Shooters' Forum
2021年1月5日 · IMR 4895 is noticeably faster than H4895, and the kernels range from extremely short little fragments to much longer/larger sticks, whereas H4895 kernels are fairly small and uniform in size.
IMR-4895 Temperature Sensitivity - Shooters' Forum
2011年6月11日 · They claim a 165 fps (or so) change in velocity from 0-125 degrees for IMR-4895. IMR 4064 shows about 50 ...
.45 70 and IMR 4895 - Cast Boolits
2011年2月27日 · Just got back from the range. I had loaded up a handful of .45 70's over the weekend, using the 350 grain Lee bullet and 44.2 grains of IMR 4895, and wanted to try them out. This load is a published starting trapdoor load but using a …
308Win IMR 4895 SMK175 recipe - Shooters' Forum
2019年1月12日 · Oddly enough, the 175 smk and the Hornady 168 bthp had roughly the same node (like the same charge weight) with imr-4895 in 2 different 308win barrels ... That was using F.C. brass and cc-200 and S&B primers. 2.790" coal. When I switched to H-4895 (from IMR-4895) I ended up reducing the load by 0.5 gr ( to 41 / 41.5 gr).
H4895 vs IMR4895 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年2月7日 · I am curious if anyone has tested the difference between the two H & IMR 4895's and what they have found for real world differences in the two. (velocity, temp stability, kernel size, fouling etc) I specifically may try to see what I see in straight 6BR with heavies and possibly a 223 with heavies but I'm curious to hear from others.. Brien
IMR 4895 Accuracy Loads with 147 gr bullets in .308 and .30-06?
2012年1月18日 · Cruising the forum, I see many threads about accuracy loads with IMR 4895 and various SMK bullets (168, 175, etc). I'm looking for accuracy loads with IMR 4895 and 147 gr M80 ball pulled bullets in once-fired LC brass. I know this is an oxymoron, but the longest range in my county is 100 yards, and I need some practice ammo.
IMR4895 vs H4895? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年1月4日 · Never tried H4895, but IMR 4895 is the shizzle. Really though I've had some pretty positive results with 40.5g IMR4895 (yeah it's low but it was a sweet spot) and 168 A-max's. J