A Review on IMX‐101 and IMX‐104 Melt‐Cast Explosives: …
2022年4月25日 · IMX-101 and IMX-104 are novel insensitive melt-pour explosives developed and produced by BAE Systems at the Holston Army Ammunition Plant (HSAAP). The U.S. Army has selected these two explosives as common low-cost replacements for legacy explosives TNT and Composition-B used in indirect fire weapons such as artillery and mortar munition systems.
Key Words: DNAN; IM; Granulation, NTO U.S. Army Development and Engineering Command (ARDEC) has been evaluating 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN) based melt pour explosives such as IMX-101 and IMX-104 in PEO-AMMO legacy munitions and they have been garnering attention due to their low sensitivity to unplanned stimuli.
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IMX-104 Background 5 • An insensitive melt-pour explosive to replace Composition B for Mortar Applications • IMX-104 and all starting ingredients manufactured at Holston Army Ammunition Plant • Exhibited superior IM properties and comparable performance over Composition B in 81mm Mortar HE
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• IMX-104 demonstrated excellent IM properties over Composition B • Low-cost replacement for Composition B • Reduced shock sensitivity vs. Composition B (and PAX-21) • Ingredients readily available and manufactured at Holston • Robust large scale manufacturing process for IMX-104
We report detonation size-effect data for IMX-104, a new insensitive ex-plosive formulation composed of RDX, NTO, and DNAN. The size-effect data in-cludes numerically predicted and experimentally measured diameter-effect curves from cylindrical-geometry rate sticks and thickness-effect curves from slab tests.
IMX-104 is a mixture of 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO), 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). Two of these components, NTO and DNAN, have limited toxicity data. This report presents the latest toxicity data and interpretations for DNAN, NTO, andRDX, as well as the full IMX -104
IMX571是APS-C画幅传感器,规格是26MP@16FPS,用了SI、8通道SLVS-EC,SLVS-EC是Scalable Low Voltage Signaling Embedded Clock的简写,是索尼今年开发串行总线,每一个通道拥有独立的时针,单个通道带宽为2.3Gbps,远高于MIPI的1.44Gbps或是Sub …
IMEMG | European Manufacturers Group
IMEMG | European Manufacturers Group
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