i.MX 6系列应用处理器_多核Arm Cortex-A7/A9/M4 | NXP 半导体
i.MX 6系列应用处理器是一个功能和性能可扩展的多核平台,包括基于Arm Cortex架构的单核、双核和四核系列产品。 i.MX 6系列成为开发一系列基于单一硬件设计的终端产品的理想平台。
i.MX 6 Series Products - NXP Semiconductors
The i.MX 6 series of applications processors, part of the EdgeVerse™ edge computing platform, offers a feature- and performance-scalable multicore platform that includes single-, dual- and quad-core families based on the Cortex architecture—including Cortex-A9, combined Cortex-A9 + Cortex-M4 and Cortex-A7 based solutions.
为什么将I.MX6作为ARM开发的首选 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
I.MX6是一款功能非常强大的处理器,具有单核简化,单核,双核简化,双核,四核,并且兼容性非常好,详细的资料可以登陆飞思卡尔官方网站去查询。 对于用户来说,只需开发一款,就相当于开发了一个系列,兼容低端,中端,高端的设计需求。 并且这款CPU的开发资料非常齐全,国内的明远智睿,在I.MX6开发上,提供了全套的中文文档,并且提供全套的源码,原理图和 PCB 图,对于想开发I.MX6的客户来说,是难得的机会。 明远智睿的I.MX6开发板,采用I.MX6核心板加底板 …
i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Applications Processors for Industrial Products, Rev. 6, 11/2018 4 NXP Semiconductors Introduction Figure 1. Part Number Nomenclature—i.MX 6Quad and i.MX 6Dual 1.2 Features The i.MX 6Dual/6Quad processors are based on Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore platform, which has the following features:
i.MX 6DualLite Applications Processors - NXP Semiconductors
i.MX 6 applications processors are part of NXP's EdgeVerse™ edge computing platform. Dual-Supply Translating Transceiver (Open-Drain, Auto-Direction Sensing) Low-Ohmic Four-Pole Double-Throw Analog Switch. Bidirectional High-Side Power Switch for Charger and USB‑OTG Combined Applications. USB PD and Type-C Current-Limited Power Switch.
关于NXP公司的IMX6系列芯片参考资料体系介绍 - CSDN博客
2022年4月3日 · IMX6ULL是一款基于ARM Cortex-A7架构的嵌入式微处理器,由NXP(恩智浦)公司设计生产。 这款 芯片 广泛应用于物联网(IoT)、工业控制、汽车电子和消费类电子产品等领域,因其低功耗、高性能和丰富的外设接口而受到青睐。
【迅为iMX6Q】开发板 Linux version 6.6.3 SD卡 启动 - CSDN博客
概括: i.MX 6系列推出了基于ARM?CortexTM-A9架构的包括单核、双核和四核在内的高扩展性多核系列应用处理器平台,促进了消费电子、工业和汽车车载娱乐系统等新一代应用的发展。
The Apalis iMX6 is a computer module based on the NXP®/Freescale i.MX 6 embedded System- on-Chip (SoC). Depending on the version, the SoC features a scalable multicore ARM Cortex ™ A9
Freescale i.MX 6 Series with ARM Cortex A9™︎ for Consumer …
2012年11月20日 · The i.MX 6 series unleashes a scalable multicore platform that includes single-, dual- and quad-core families based on the ARM Cortex-A9 architecture for next-generation consumer, industrial and automotive applications.
Colibri iMX6 Datasheet Revision History Document Revisions (Continued) 27-Sep-2022 Rev.1.10 V1.1 Section1.1:Addedpurposeofthedocument. Section1.4.1:UpdatedSoCpartnumber.