IMX/IMR - USA Swimming
IMX/IMR Information. IM Xtreme is a program that allows USA Swimming members to track their times (or coaches to track their team's times) against swimmers all across the nation! Just by swimming a specific program of events, you can see where you rank against your teammates, your region and yes, even across the USA!
USA Swimming IM Xtreme & IM Ready Program Info - Swim …
IM Xtreme (IMX) is a program designed to motivate swimmers by allowing them to compare their times to those of other athletes in their age group across the United States. By swimming a specific set of events at least once per season, a swimmer can receive an IMR/IMX score based on power points, a system developed by USA Swimming.
USA Swimming IMX/IMR Rankings by Age, Gender & Course
2 天之前 · Find USA Swimming IMX/IMR Rankings by age, gender, and course (short and long). Filter rankings by Zone, LSC, and Team for a detailed view.
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Individual Time Search - USA Swimming
IMX/IMR. Virtual Club Championship. Block Party Leaderboard. Club Excellence. Data Hub. Record Progressions. All-Time Top Performers. Yearly Top Performers. All-Time Relay Splits. World Rankings Powered by USA Swimming. Continental Lists. Meet Results. Other Organizations. NCAA Information. NCAA Division I.
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Swim Standards - Times, Rankings, Swimmer Profiles and Meet …
2025年2月11日 · SwimStandards provides a mobile-friendly web version of USA Swimming time standards, swimmer profiles, meet results, rankings, and more.
IMX and IMR - FAST Tigers
Upon completion of the IMX program, swimmers can discover their national, zone, LSC, and club rankings, accessible on the USA Swimming website or through the USA Swimming mobile app, Deck Pass. Athletes aiming to progress from Tigers 3 to Tiger Pride must achieve an IMX score of at least 2,500 points.
Participation in the IMR and IMX is easy. USA Swimming automatically scores and calculates results for all athlete members! Swimmers only need to sign up for a Deck Pass Account, then compete in each required event, at a sanctioned meet, at least once in a season.