INFJ Gazes: Staring into your Soul | Personality Cafe
2012年7月14日 · This stare is not to be feared ~ that kindly sparkle, although searching, is caring in motive and gently nonjudgmental of what it discovers. It desires only to know how to heal …
Picture Examples of the INFJ Stare | Personality Cafe
2022年11月24日 · INFJ stares are a combination of Ni and Fe. Ni gives the stare it's soul searching look, and Fe gives the stare it's hint of warmth and empathy. It's this rare …
The INFJ Stare of Death | Personality Cafe
2010年5月10日 · I love my INFJ stare of death, I love my eyes in general. But as for the topic, it could be a range of things but specifically when it is the "stare of death" it is just that. A pissed …
The INFJ Stare? | Personality Cafe
2015年4月21日 · The stare that gets me into trouble the most is my one eyebrow higher than the other, the 'you must be sh***ing me' kind of face :laughing: - i have my neutral day dream face …
INFJ appearance vs INFP appearance - agree or disagree?
2010年8月31日 · Agreed. It is something that has been dubbed the "INFJ death stare" - there are some more examples of it in the pics forum in the INTJ thread, albeit those are colder Te-ish …
The "love stare" with an INFJ.... (warning contains ENFP gushing)
2010年11月16日 · The "love-stare" is almost unnoticeable in my pupils themselves because I have a cupping size of 8 at the back of my retina. Hence, my pupils are heavily dilated …
INFJs: how do you know you are INFJ? | Personality Cafe
2024年7月20日 · Caring what others think too much (Fe). Not being great at giving concrete examples (Se-inf). Terrible as elaborating (great at summarizing) (Ni-Se). Ni-Ti loop of despair …
Picture Examples of the INFJ Stare | Page 3 | Personality Cafe
2014年2月17日 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
Picture Examples of the INFJ Stare | Page 5 | Personality Cafe
2022年12月3日 · NF's Temperament Forum- The Dreamers. INFJ Forum - The Protectors. Picture Examples of the INFJ Stare
The INFJ Stare of Death | Page 4 | Personality Cafe
2010年9月19日 · NF's Temperament Forum- The Dreamers. INFJ Forum - The Protectors