Tribute to Ip Shui – chowgar.com.au
On Tuesday 27th of April 2004 at approximately 4.00 am, Grandmaster Ip Shui passed away in his sleep. He was 91 years old. His death symbolising the end of an era of the descending …
Tung Kong Chow Gar Kung Fu – Great Grandmaster Ip Chee Keung
2017年4月4日 · Ip Shui the former Great Grand Master of Tung Kong Chow Gar Praying Mantis Kungfu, on his 90th birthday is passing on his position to his older son Ip Chee K...
Great Grandmaster IP Shui doing the foundation of the 2ND …
Great Grandmaster IP Shui doing the foundation of the 2ND Form - "Shake of the Bridge" at 89 yrs old. (www.PrayingMantisKungfu.con.au)
Grand Master Yip Shui - chowgarsouthernmantis.com
Grand master Yip Shui, became the successor of the Chow Gar Praying Mantis kung fu in 1942 from his teacher Lau Soei. It was the late Lau Soei that brought the Chow Gar Praying Mantis …
Ip Shui transfers the Chow Gar Southern Mantis Clan to Ip ... - YouTube
Ip Shui announces his retirement and transfers power as leader of the Tung Kong Chow Gar Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu Clan to his son, Ip Chee Keung ...more.
Southern Praying Mantis - Wikipedia
The continued popularity of modern Chow Gar is due to the work of Ip Shui (葉瑞), a student of Lau Soei. He promoted the style within Hong Kong and later, to the United Kingdom [ 9 ] and …
Chow Gar Mantis Kung Fu Hang Ng-Hang Ng Mantis Kung Fu …
Chow Gar Mantis Kung Fu is a highly effective and excellent martial arts style. We would like to introduce this style briefly, from which Sifu Hang Ng developed his own Kung Fu system. Sifu …
Chow Gar - Wikipedia
Yip Shui (葉瑞; 啟瑞; 1912–2004), who was one of Lau's first non-Hakka students, perpetuated his tradition after training extensively with his predecessor. He established a reputation for the …
Sifu Hang Ng - Hang Ng Mantis Kung Fu Association
Yip Shui was one of the most respected martial artists in Hong Kong after defeating many famous Kung Fu masters in bare hand challenges. The Grand Master’s legendary power and abilities …
Praying Mantis: Preserving Hong Kong's Hakka Kung Fu | TIME
2017年1月9日 · Among his disciples was Ip Shui, whose feet the grandmaster would scorch with the bowl of his pipe to toughen them up.