IP-3/IP-1 Assays - Assay Guidance Manual - NCBI Bookshelf
2012年5月1日 · Activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) that couple to G αθ and G βγ and subsequent activation of phospholipase C –β (PLC-β) can be detected through the measurement of D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) in cells. This chapter describes technologies that can be used to develop robust assays for screening compounds, more ...
IP3/IP1 Assay - Creative Bioarray
This IP-One assay measures the accumulation of IP1 instead of the transient second messengers IP3 and IP2 and is proven effective as a surrogate measure of GPCR activation. The detection is based on competition between acceptor-labeled IP1 and IP1 produced by the cell.
GPCR部分信号通路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年2月29日 · G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)是真核生物中最大,种类最多的膜受体,是由一条肽链组成。 其N 端在细胞膜外侧,C 端在细胞膜内侧,两端之间的7次跨膜螺旋结构是该家族的特征性结构。 各跨膜的螺旋之间由LOOP(环)连接,细胞膜内外各有三个这样的结构。 与GPCR结合的G蛋白是异源三聚体,同时也是能结合三磷酸鸟苷(GTP)和二磷酸鸟苷(GDP)的特殊蛋白质。 它们具有三个不同的亚基:α,β和γ亚基,其中α和γ亚基通过脂质锚定物附着在质膜上( …
IP1 assay for GPCR activation measurements | BMG LABTECH
The HTplex TM assay from Cisbio can evaluate two different GPCR signaling pathways, Gai/s and Gaq, through the measurement of their second messenger responses, cAMP and IP3 (via IP1), respectively. Herein, the HTplex TM assay was used to evaluate the dose response effect of vasopressin on CHO-V2R cells.
综述|GPCR药物发现全程攻略 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
GPCR是最受欢迎的HTS目标之一,常用方法包括测量受体激活后细胞内事件的变化,如Ca2+、cAMP、pERK和IP1等第二信使,以及基因表达和 β-arrestin 的募集。常见的测量技术包括HTRF和AlphaScreen,以及GloSensor™ cAMP测定。
Selecting a cyclic AMP kit for assaying GPCR target activation
After activation, GPCRs carry information within cells through two signaling pathways: regulation of cAMP level or of intracellular Ca 2+, whose liberation is triggered by...
GPCR领域的应用- 应用领域- 均相时间分辨荧光(HTRF)技术专题 …
GPCRs 筛选方案靶点药物高通量 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
使用 IP-one 和 cAMP 试剂盒测定肽依赖性第二信使反应,用于判断 GPCR、Gs、 Gi/o、Gq/11 等信号通路的激活情况,进而筛选出 17 个内源性配体和 5 个疾病相关的 GPCRs 之间的配对。
IP-one检测实验的一般实验流程- 实验流程- 均相时间分辨荧 …
HTRF IP-one系列产品是针对Gq蛋白GPCR的分析平台。 该产品通过抑制通路中IP-One的降解,来实现稳定检测Ca流通路的目的,可检测缓慢结合的GPCR。 (如图示)
IP-3/IP-1 Assays - PubMed
2012年5月1日 · Activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) that couple to G αθ and G βγ and subsequent activation of phospholipase C –β (PLC-β) can be detected through the measurement of D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) in cells. This chapter describes technologies that can be used to develop robust assays for screening compounds, more ...