[When to consider type I interferonopathy in adulthood?]
Type I interferonopathies (IP1) are a heterogeneous group of Mendelian diseases characterized by overactivation of the type I interferon (IFN) pathway. They are caused by monogenic (rarely digenic) mutations of proteins involved in this key pathway of innate immunity. IP1 transmission can be dominan …
IP-3/IP-1 Assays - Assay Guidance Manual - NCBI Bookshelf
2012年5月1日 · The assay is a competitive immunoassay. IP1 produced by cells (in the presence of LiCl) after receptor activation competes with an IP1 analog coupled to a d2 fluorophore (acceptor) for binding to an anti-IP1 monoclonal antibody labeled with Eu Cryptate (donor). The resulting signal is inversely proportional to the concentration of IP1 in the ...
IPS-1, an adaptor triggering RIG-I- and Mda5-mediated type I
2005年8月28日 · Using high-throughput functional screening of interferon inducers, we have identified here a molecule we call interferon-β promoter stimulator 1 (IPS-1). Overexpression of IPS-1 induced type I...
HTRF IP-One细胞水平检测[新品推荐] - 生物通
HTRF IP1测量试剂盒是基于HTRF技术的竞争性免疫检测,使用了铽穴状化合物(Tb cryptate)标记的抗IP1单抗和d2标记的IP1。 G蛋白介导的信号传导通路主要有三种,通过G蛋白的四个亚型来介导:Gs、Gi、Gq和G12/13。 Gs和Gi通路的效应分子为cAMP,引起蛋白激酶A(PKA)的活化或抑制。 G12/13通路的效应分子为Rho鸟嘌呤交换因子(RhoGEFs),能通过别构效应激活胞浆小GTP酶Rho。 Gq通路的效应分子为磷脂酶C-β(PLCβ),引起细胞内Ca2+浓度升高(见 …
IP-1: A dominant inhibitor of Fos/Jun whose activity is modulated …
1991年3月8日 · IP-1 specifically blocks DNA binding of AP-1 from nuclear extracts and of in vitro synthesized Fos/Jun proteins. It is a labile protein of 30–40 kd, which exerts its activity only in the nonphosphorylated form. Block of IP-1 function is obtained by PKA-mediated phosphorylation, possibly suggesting a cross talk mechanism at transcriptional level.
IP-One Gq kit,你值得拥有! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HTRF IP-One Gq Detection Kit-Revvity
HTRF IP-One 检测试剂盒可检测肌醇单磷酸的积累,肌醇单磷酸是由磷脂酶 C(PLC)级联激活诱导产生的 IP3 的稳定下游代谢产物。 该试剂盒可直接表征作用于贴壁细胞或悬浮细胞中 Gq 偶联受体的所有类型化合物。 从高通量筛选(HTS)到构效关系(SAR),IP-One 已被证明比传统检测方法具有更多优势。 分析原理: 该试剂盒基于一种竞争形式,涉及用穴状化合物(供体)标记的特异性抗体和与 d2 偶联的 IP1(受体)。 细胞产生的天然 IP1 与 d2 标记的 IP1 竞争结合单 …
IP1 Med Chem- Exam 1 Flashcards - Quizlet
IP1 Med Chem- Exam 1. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Created by. zimmera9. Terms in this set (12) phenylethylamine is the parent compound for what drugs? sympathomimetic drugs. where can you substitute on the parent phenylethylamine? benzene rings, alpha and beta carbons, terminal amino.
IP-1射频灌注泵 - APT Med
IP-1射频灌注泵是一款用于心脏射频消融术的辅助治疗设备,在手术中搭配冷盐水导管,提供稳定,可变的盐水灌注,实时监测气泡及泵管情况。 兼容多种型号泵管、兼容多种射频仪,并支 …
Covalent inhibitors of interleukin-2 inducible T cell kinase (itk) with ...
2012年11月26日 · The analogues are highly potent in a cellular IP1 assay as well as in a human whole-blood (hWB) assay. Despite a half-life of approximately 2 h in resting primary T cells, the covalent inhibition of Itk resulted in functional silencing of the TCR pathway for more than 24 h.