IP3 - 英特尔
IP3 是 Intel 和 Microsoft Key IDH 的合作伙伴之一。 IP3 专门从事消费和工业计算机,在工业控制设计和制造领域拥有深厚的专业知识,为高科技企业提供各种解决方案。
株式会社アイピーキューブ | 統合認証のことなら、私たち専門ベ …
アイピーキューブは、統合認証基盤(多要素認証・シングルサインオン・ID管理)の開発・導入だけに携わってきたIAMベンダーです。 大企業にはないスピード感と柔軟性、統合認証基盤ソリューション専門の会社としてのノウハウがわたしたちの強みです。
About us - ip3
IP3T has a diverse portfolio of Intellectual Property (IP) for products and technologies developed in house, to solve substantial scientific or engineering challenges.
IP3 - Intel
IP3 specializes in Consumer and Industrial Computer, with expertise in industrial control design and manufacture, as well as delivering the rang of solutions for high-tech enterprises. IP3 has a complete R&D team supported by experienced engineers, most of whom are from Fortune 500 or top 5 ODM companies.
IP3(inositol triphosphate, 三磷酸肌醇)是一种肌醇磷酸信号分子,是参与 G蛋白 耦联受体介导的信号转导的第二信使。 在 磷脂酰肌醇 途径中,胞外 信号分子 与其相应的G蛋白偶联受体结合后,激活膜上的Gq蛋白(一种作用于磷脂酰 肌醇 系统的G蛋白),然后由Gp蛋白激活 磷酸酯酶 Cβ (phospholipase Cβ, PLC), 将膜上的4,5-二 磷酸 脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol biphosphate, PIP2)分解为两个细胞内的 第二信使: DAG和IP₃,最后通过激活 蛋白激酶C …
会社情報 | 株式会社アイピーキューブ
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IP3 Technology - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
IP3 Technology is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R & D, design, manufacturing and providing full-line solutions in the field of consumer electronics, computers, communications …
Home - IP3 Allied Site
IP3 is the lead U.S. integrator for the development and operations of peaceful and secure civil nuclear power in the global marketplace. IP3’s vision is to create thriving, peaceful environments in critical world markets through the development of sustainable energy and security infrastructure via public/private initiatives and industry-led ...
Team — IP3
Two decade career at major Hollywood studios and recently raised $11 million for web3 companies and advises a philanthropic VC focused on media sector investments. Two decades of experience in cross border business and investment between Asia and the U.S. including a decade as founder, advisor and investor in early stage tech startups.