What Is a Genius IQ Score on an IQ Scale? - Verywell Mind
2025年1月30日 · People often talk about very high intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, often referred to as genius IQ scores, but what exactly do these numbers mean and how do they stack up? How do IQ scales break down scores into different IQ levels?
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart - IQ Comparison Site
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart. These are IQs, their percentiles, and rarity on a 15 SD (e.g. Wechsler) and 16 SD (e.g. Stanford-Binet) scale. They were calculated using the NORMDIST function in Excel. The number of decimal places for the rarity was varied in …
What Does An IQ Of 147 Mean - iqtests.com
2024年7月23日 · What Is a 147 IQ Score? An IQ score of 147 signifies exceptional intelligence, more than just a mere numerical representation. While the average IQ score ranges between 85 and 115, a score of 147 is significantly higher, placing an individual in the ‘highly gifted’ category.
IQ Score Ranges | Are You Average, High, or Genius IQ?
2023年11月16日 · You’ll notice that the highest number of people (68%) score somewhere in the blue region of the curve. An average IQ range is between 85 and 115—somewhere between “below average” and “above average” intelligence. What is a High IQ? A high IQ is considered to be between 116 and 144.
IQ classification - Wikipedia
IQ classification is the practice of categorizing human intelligence, as measured by intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, into categories such as "superior" and "average". [1][2][3][4]
What Does an IQ Score of 147 Mean? - Neuro Scientia
2017年10月11日 · An IQ score of 147 means you are a genius. This is among the highest Q scores you can ever observe on the IQ scale. An IQ test more often than not contains some test questions to uncover the level of logical thinking (frequently), coherent thinking.
What does an IQ of 147 mean? | BrainTesting IQ experts
What does an IQ of 147 mean? The meaning of the IQ score can sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. Often, you will find different explanations that do not really match up. So what you need is a team of expert psychologists that can give you an explanation based on science and do it in simple but precise terms.
IQ 147 - What does it mean? - IQ-TEST.NET
IQ 147 - What does it mean? On the IQ scale, a group of geniuses with an IQ score of 145 or more make up only 0.1% of the population. So, with IQ 147 , you really belong to the genius group.
智商划分等级,105什么等级 - 百度知道
智商是智力商数的简称(Intelligence Quotient),它是通过一系列标准测试测量人在其年龄段的智力发展水平,它必须与灵商(SQ)配合运用才行。 智力也叫智能,它是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。 智力表现多个方面,如观察力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、分析判断能力、思维能力、应变能力、推理能力等,其包括文商(CQ)。 平常。 人的智商一般用IQ来表示,它是由德国心理学家施太伦(L.W.Stern)提出,美国心理学家推孟在制订“ 斯坦福 —比 …
IQ 147意味着什么? - BrainTesting