IQ classification - Wikipedia
IQ classification is the practice of categorizing human intelligence, as measured by intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, into categories such as "superior" and "average". [1][2][3][4]
IQ Scale: IQ Charts By Age - Science Trends
But the highest average score for people under 64 is attained by those people between the ages of 55 and 64, which gets to 109 in the IQ scale, just about falling short of being classed as having a “superior intelligence” or “above average” intelligence and remaining firmly within the limits of a “normal or average intelligence ...
智商测试 (2025) | 国际IQ测试(免費) - International IQ test
智商(智力商数)是一种用来对人口进行分类的智力测量。 在这种分布中,98% 的人得分介于 70 到 130 之间,50% 的人得分介于 90 到 110 之间。 智商得分与平均值 100 的差距越大,人数 …
I.Q. ranges and real-life functioning - Paul Cooijmans
Profound and severe retardation are typically caused by brain damage during pregnancy, at birth, or early in life, and as such not genetic and not inherited. Can learn simple life skills and employment tasks with special education. May be employed in special settings, and achieve some independence. Often socially immature.
智商划分等级,105什么等级 - 百度知道
智商是智力商数的简称(Intelligence Quotient),它是通过一系列标准测试测量人在其年龄段的智力发展水平,它必须与灵商(SQ)配合运用才行。 智力也叫智能,它是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。 智力表现多个方面,如观察力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、分析判断能力、思维能力、应变能力、推理能力等,其包括文商(CQ)。 平常。 人的智商一般用IQ来表示,它是由德国心理学家施太伦(L.W.Stern)提出,美国心理学家推孟在制订“ 斯坦福 —比 …
瑞文标准智商测验是由英国心理学家瑞文(J.C.Raven)创制,用以测验一个人的观察力及清晰思维的能力。 它是一种纯粹的非文字智力测验,所以广泛应用于无国界的智力/推理能力测试,属于渐近性矩阵图。 《最强大脑》中采用的就是这种智力测量标准。 整个测验一共有60张图组成,由5个单元的渐进矩阵构图组成,根据测量结果将智力等级分为优秀、良好、中等、中下和低下。 与国际标准智商测试相比,它适用的年龄层更广,而且没有文化知识相关的限制。 测试说明: 1 …
智商测试 | 瑞文智力测试-2025版国际标准IQ测试题免费版
智商是测量个人智力发展水平的一种指标,简称iq,智商在很长一段时间内一直被人们看做是衡量人的心智素质的唯一指标。 一般说来,智商的高低反映了一个人智力水平的高低,也就是一个人的观察能力、记忆能力、思维能力、想象能力等方面发展水平的高低 ...
What Does Your IQ Score Mean? | IQ Score Ranges ... - Healthgrades
2020年10月19日 · An IQ test score can provide some information about your overall intelligence, but what does your IQ score really mean? Learn about IQ score ranges, what's considered an average IQ score, and what the highest IQ score indicates.
知能指数(IQ)の目安と評価。高いのか低いのか?頭の良さのレ …
2021年5月18日 · 知能指数(iq)の程度やレベルまとめ. 200:人類史上最高レベルの天才; 190以上:世界屈指の天才; 180以上:国トップレベルの天才; 170以上:完璧なる天才; 160以上:超天才; 150以上:大天才; 140以上:天才。上の上; 130以上:とても賢い。
IQ Classifications - AssessmentPsychology.com
Mental deficiency used to be divided into the following sub-classifications, but these labels began to be abused by the public and are now largely obsolete: Borderline Deficiency (IQ 70-80), Moron (IQ 50-69), Imbecile (IQ 20-49) and Idiot (below 20).