What does an IQ of 91 mean? | BrainTesting IQ experts
What does an IQ of 91 mean? The meaning of the IQ score can sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. Often, you will find different explanations that do not really match up. So …
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart - IQ Comparison Site
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart. These are IQs, their percentiles, and rarity on a 15 SD (e.g. Wechsler) and 16 SD (e.g. Stanford-Binet) scale. They were calculated using the NORMDIST …
What does an IQ 91 mean - Two great jobs fit your 91 IQ - Sociosite
IQ 91 is a very common index, 1 in 3 of us will reach this IQ mark. Barbados, Malta, and Myanmar are three countries that all have an average IQ of 91. IQ 91 means you belong to the “Normal” …
知能指数(IQ)の目安と評価。高いのか低いのか?頭の良さのレ …
2021年5月18日 · ※IQ検査の種類は様々存在しますがここでの目安はSD15(標準偏差15)のウェクスラー式知能検査を基準としています。 人口の約68%がIQ70からIQ130までのゾーン …
智商 (IQ)水平。 顯示智商 (IQ)分數範圍和排名的智商水平表。
IQ 分數在 111 到 119 之間表示智力良好。 IQ 分數在 120 到 129 之間表示智力較高。 IQ 分數為 130 或更高表明智力天賦。 然而,有些測試略有不同,智力天賦可以通過 135-140 或更高的分 …
IQ 91意味着什么? - BrainTesting
iq分数是根据您在智力测试中获得的分数所分配的智力水平。 或者说,是您咨询的那个人的智力水平。 IQ始终是与参与测试构建的人员(也称为测试样本)所获得的平均测试结果进行比较的 …
91 IQ - Suitable Jobs and Meanings | iq-test
IQ level 91 shows that you are a normal type of thinking ability, accounting for 51,6% of the world's population and belong to Average Intelligence Group. Some characteristics of people …
了解智商等级 | 平均智商 | BrainTesting
实际上,iq计算中最重要且最易理解的数字是百分位数。 百分位数是与您(或测试者)相比,智力较低的人口百分比。 换句话说,就是您在智力上超过了多少百分比的人口。
智商的范围是什么? - 知乎专栏
智商只是衡量一个人在 智商测试 中的表现(文章中测试皆以 韦氏测试 为标准) 本文重点介绍智商范围: 智商测试以100分为平均值,15分为标准差。 因此,低于平均值一个标准差的人智商 …
Meaning of an IQ of 91 - Explaining IQ
An IQ of 91 signifies average intelligence. The average IQ score is set at 100, so an IQ of 100 is the median, indicating that the individual's intelligence is in line with the general population. A …