What does an IQ of 76 indicate? - Answers
2024年5月1日 · An IQ of 76 falls within the category of borderline intellectual functioning. Individuals with this IQ level may experience challenges in areas of cognitive functioning, problem-solving, and ...
What is the equivalent IQ score for a miliary gt score of 137?
2025年2月16日 · There is a site that accepts an Army pre-1980 GT score of 136 as evidence for an IQ in the top 2% of IQ,starting at 130 or higher. My 1962 GT was 140; IF the factor 136/130 is valid, a divisor of ...
Is 76 a good IQ score? - Answers
On Terman's Stanford-Binet Fourth Revision classification 76 is falls in dullness and on Wechsler's classification in borderline. Sooo... no, it's not.
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What is the analysis or interpretation on this weschsler adult ...
This is almost 2 standard deviations below average so these numbers indicate a person who will be challenged when it comes to learning academic material.
What is the average IQ for a seventh grader? - Answers
2024年5月1日 · An IQ score is a comparison to the scores achieved by other people that are the same age and nationality as the test-taker. And so an IQ test taken by a 7th grade American child will only be ...
Was the Green River Killer from the organized or unorganized
2022年11月6日 · Gary Leon Ridgeway, The Green River Killer, was of the organized killer catagory. Organized killers usually have higher than average IQs but Ridgeway is the exception. Despite an IQ score of 80 ...
Who are the corresponding real life characters of Jose Rizal
2024年3月22日 · Elias and Crisostomo Ibarra- Jose Rizal Maria Clara-Leonor Rivera. Pilosopong Tasyo-Paciano. Padre Salvi-Father Antonio Piernaveija. Basilio and Crispin-Crisostomo brothers of hagonoy
What are all the achievements on Achievement Unlocked?
2023年10月5日 · #0: Don't Move a Muscle = Keep the elephant from moving #1: It's a Jump to the Left = Find a way to move westward #2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! = Strain yourself to move right
What is the Impossible Quiz 2 Walkthrough? - Answers
2023年10月5日 · Heres the answers to the first one ( i didnt even know there was a second one). 1.) Four 2.) No, but a tin can 3.) K.O 4.) THE ANSWER 5.) Cross outside the screen 6.) Shallots 7.) An elephant 8.)