IRB 5320 is used to precisely position workpieces for painting. The turntables are controlled by Higher the fully-integrated productivity with robot three servo axes unit alternating as the loading/unloading The three-axes version station of and the IRB as the 5320 place is used where to the precisely robot paints position the workpieces ...
IRB 5320 工件变位机-喷涂设备-产品中心-ABB机器人
IRB 5320工件变位机是与六轴喷涂机器人集成配套的转台, 也是进一步简化喷涂工艺的利器。 该产品提供单轴和三轴两 种型式。 三轴型用于待喷涂工件的高精度定位。 在机器人进行工件喷涂的同时, 转台由全集成机器人伺服单元实现上下 料工位的切换。
ABB Library - Painting Equipment
ABB’s award-winning PixelPaint technology has, without human intervention, perfectly recreated Advait’s swirling, monochromatic design as well as Illusorr’s tri-color geometrical patterns. An electrostatic gun with interior charging for automatic applications with robots and reciprocators. Clean and fast color changing system for powder paint.
ABB Library - Paint Robots
brightness_1Category All Categories ABB Products Robotics Robots Paint Robots IRB 52 IRB 5300[Obsolete] IRB 5310 IRB 5320 IRB 5350 IRB 540[Classic] IRB 5400[Obsolete] IRB 5500 IRB 5510 IRB 580[Obsolete] Document kind Agreements expand_more Agreement Group company agreement Local company agreement Drawings and schematics expand_more Building ...
IRB 5350 - Paint robots (工业机器人 Robotics) - ABB Group
结构紧凑、动作精准的IRB 5350开门机器人是汽车内饰喷涂的得力助手,兼容走停式和连续式输送解决方案;配备精心设计的开门夹具,内置搜寻传感器和力反馈传感器,是内饰喷涂区不可或缺的效率“助推器”。
ABB IRB 5320 Workpiece Positioner 数据表 (英语)说明书用户手 …
The IRB 5320 Workpiece Positioner is a manipulator that is integrated with a six-axis paint robot, simplifying the painting Higher productivity with three axes Appropriate for hazardous areas process.
ABB Library - IRB 52
IRB 52 jest kompaktowym robotem zaprojektowanym specjalnie do malowania małych oraz średnich produktow. Robot sprawdza się w wielu gałęziach przemysłu. IRB 52 to tanie i profesjonalne rozwiązanie dla aplikacji lakierniczych. Zawiera opis, dane techniczne, rysunek wymiarowy. Paint robot IRB 52. A compact painting specialist! Chinese language.
IRB 5320工件变位机是与六轴喷涂机器人集成配套的转台, 也是进一步简化喷涂工艺的利器。 该产品提供单轴和三轴两 种型式。 三轴型用于待喷涂工件的高精度定位。 在机器人进行工件喷涂的同时, 转台由全集成机器人伺服单元实现上下 料工位的切换。 单轴型以历经数千装机量考验的ABB机器人齿轮箱为核心器件, 精度高、 可靠性强。 ABB的精密涂料齿轮泵可为自动化喷涂提供恒稳的流量调节, 并特别采用了快速换色设计。 适用于涂料、 催化剂 和罩光漆, 提 …
2013年6月27日 · Paint robots, accessories, components, software ... RB031PC control IRB 5320 compared to an Industrial robot An ABB Paint robot is based upon the solutions and experience from our ABB Industrial robot, adding some unique features for coating applications
产品 协作机器人 关节型机器人 Delta机器人 SCARA机器人 喷涂机器人 控制器 变位机 机器人导轨 工艺设备 模块化解决方案 冲压 ...
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