IRB 6790 - third-generation Foundry Prime robot | ABB Robotics
ABB’s IRB 6790 Foundry Prime robot is designed for high-pressure water jet cleaning, washing and similar applications in harsh industrial environments with 100% humidity. ABB developed its third-generation Foundry Prime robot aimed at increasing reliability and system uptime, while reducing maintenance costs.
IRB 6790 - Articulated robots (工业机器人 | ABB Robotics)
IRB 6790稳定性强,专为严苛环境设计,可将维护成本降低60%。 ABB的IRB 6790 Foundry Prime铸造机器人专为高压水射流清洗及类似应用而设计,适应100%潮湿的严苛工业环境。 ABB在该应用行业拥有超过13年的经验,此次推出的第三代Foundry Prime铸造机器人提升了稳定性,并延长了系统正常运行时间,同时降低了维护成本。 这款机器人共有两种型号:一种负载为205kg,工作范围为2.80m;另一种负载为235kg,工作范围为2.65m。 IRB 6790具备高柔 …
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IRB 6790 - ABB
The IRB 6790 robot targets washing and cleaning applications in harshest industrial environments with 100% humidity. Designed for high reliability and uptime, the IRB 6790 minimizes the total cost of ownership and up to, at least, 60% reduces maintenance costs, compared with IRB 6640.
IRB 6790-235/2.65-关节型机器人-产品中心-ABB机器人
轴数: 6 荷重: 235kg 工作范围: 2650mm 重复定位精度: 0.05mm 版本: 通用版,铸造版,清洗版 防护等级:IP 69 第三代Foundry Prime铸造机器人 安装方式:落地、壁挂、倒置和斜置 本体重量: 1280kg 主要应用:铸造,物料搬运,码垛 能耗: 2.7kW 完整技术参数IRB 6790-235/2.65,ABB机器人
Detailed information for: IRB 6790 - ABB Group
IRB 6790 General Information Global Commercial Alias: IRB 6790 Product ID: 3HAC020536-026 ABB Type Designation: IRB 6790 Catalog Description: IRB 6790 Long Description: Articulated Robots model IRB 6790
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IRB 6700 - ABB
The IRB 6790 robot targets washing and cleaning applications in harshest industrial environments with 100% humidity. High protection against liquids and solids with IP 69. Increased tolerance in harsh environments by being compatible with pH levels of up to 10.
ABB Library - IRB 6790
This specification contains stopping distances and times for category 0 and category 1 stops, as required by EN ISO 10218-1 Annex B. This specification should be used when calculating the safe distance in applying safeguarding devices. ABB Library is a web tool for searching for documents related to ABB products and services.
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IRB 6790 面向严苛 - ABB
IRB 6790 面向严苛环境的清洗和清洁专家 这款市场领先的机器人能以低�. 有成本应对高要求的清洗和清洁应用。IRB 6790稳定性强,专. 环�. 中常见的高温、清洁高压、化学 境。ABB在该�. …
ABB IRB 6790 | PennAir
ABB’s IRB 6790 Foundry Prime robot is designed for high-pressure water jet cleaning, washing and similar applications in harsh industrial environments with 100% humidity. ABB developed its third-generation Foundry Prime robot aimed at increasing reliability and system uptime, while reducing maintenance costs.
IRB 6790-205/2.80-关节型机器人-产品中心-ABB机器人
轴数: 6 荷重: 205kg 工作范围: 2800mm 重复定位精度: 0.05mm 版本: 通用版 、洁净版、铸造版 防护等级:IP69 第三代Foundry Prime铸造机器人 安装方式:落地 本体重量: 1270kg 主要应用:铸造,清洗,物料搬运 能耗: 2.7kW 完整技术参数IRB 6790-205/2.80,ABB机器人
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