IRC - Wikipedia
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a text-based chat system for instant messaging. IRC is designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels , [ 1 ] but also allows one-on-one communication via private messages [ 2 ] as well as chat and data transfer , …
IRC - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IRC(英語: Internet Relay Chat ,直译:因特网中继聊天)是一種应用层的协议。其主要用于群体聊天,但同样也可以用于个人对个人的聊天。IRC使用的服务器端口有6667(明文傳輸,如irc://irc.libera.chat)、6697(SSL加密傳輸,如ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697)等。
Wikipedia:IRC - Wikipedia
Most people needing live help editing Wikipedia can access IRC easily by clicking here: #wikipedia-en-help connect. Web-based IRC is a good choice for first-time IRC users, for portable use, and for those who cannot, or prefer not to, install separate software. The usual way to access IRC is by downloading an IRC client. These are more full ...
维基百科:IRC聊天频道 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
#wikipedia-zh 是中文维基百科最活跃的频道, #wikipedia-zh-help 则是专门用来求助维基百科相关事务的频道,除此之外您也可以点击查看维基媒体计划的 其他 IRC 频道。 本文所介绍的社群交流方式都是维基百科社群成员所开设,其内容可能不代表维基百科社群的正式立场。 在开始使用频道之前,请您阅读 IRC聊天頻道導則。 对于扰乱秩序者,IRC 上的频道管理人员有权力请其离开频道,也希望全体参与者能够共同维护秩序,避免出现不利于合作的氛围。 除此之外,请特别注 …
Internet Relay Chat - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a chat system on the Internet. People from around the world can use it to have conversations together. It can also be used for two people to chat privately. [1] The IRC chat rooms are also called IRC channels. These channels are on IRC servers, which you can connect to by finding that server's information. This ...
维基百科:即時聊天頻道導則 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
#wikipedia-zh 是中文維基百科最主要的IRC聊天頻道,專門討論中文維基百科各項主題內容。當前#wikipedia-zh跟Telegram交流群@wikipedia_zh_n、Discord交流群#wikipedia_zh同步。
Wikipedia:IRC/wikipedia-en-help - Wikipedia
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. There are several different chat rooms available for Wikipedia on the Libera IRC network. #wikipedia-en-help connect is the primary channel for both new and experienced editors seeking real-time web-based help on using and editing the English Wikipedia.
IRC - 维基教科书,自由的教学读本 - Wikibooks
因特网中继聊天(英语:Internet Relay Chat,缩写即IRC)是一种历史悠久、应用广泛、成熟稳定的网络即时通讯协议,被广泛地应用于在线通讯和网络聊天中。
IRC - Meta - Wikimedia
2024年9月26日 · For real-time chat with other Wikimedians, there are several Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels on the Libera Chat network. #wikipedia-en is the main forum (see here for other channels); these are the responsibility of, and controlled by, the Group Contacts. Channels located on the Freenode network will not be maintained by the IRC Group Contacts.
Wikipedia:IRC/Tutorial - Wikipedia
In a modern web browser follow this link to visit Wikipedia's help channel. Alternatively, to access the Libera IRC servers, you can choose an IRC client. Some popular IRC clients are listed below, or see Comparison of Internet Relay Chat clients. How do I connect? Once you have a client, you'll need a server.