Forms & instructions - Internal Revenue Service
Access IRS forms, instructions and publications in electronic and print media.
稅務局 : 公用表格 - Inland Revenue Department
「智方便」用戶可於網上填寫及簽署電子表格,並透過互聯網提交。 如想進一步了解「智方便」的系統需求及有關資料,可瀏覽以下網址。 https://www.iamsmart.gov.hk/tc/ (自2023年4月1日 …
IRD : Public Forms - Inland Revenue Department
Download Forms and Electronic Forms Available : back to top. (Starting from 1 April 2023, all required supplementary forms and other forms must be submitted electronically. Please refer …
View all forms and guides - Inland Revenue
A list of all our forms and guides. You can use this list to search by document number or by the topic of forms and guides.
IRD : Download Forms - Inland Revenue Department
If you are required to file any aforesaid form, you must download the relevant form and fill in the form electronically. After completion, you must export the filled form to XML file and upload the …
IRD : Download Forms - Inland Revenue Department
Download forms from the Inland Revenue Department.
稅務局 : 公用表格及小冊子 - Inland Revenue Department
主頁; 最新消息; 關於本局. 負責執行的條例; 抱負,使命及信念; 税務局組織圖; 税收概況; 服務承諾; 納税人約章; 給不同種族人士的資訊
稅務局 : 下載表格 - Inland Revenue Department
在安裝 Adobe Acrobat Reader 後,請確保將其 預設為系統的PDF檔案檢視器 (如何設置)。 Chrome 的用家, 可按滑鼠右鍵點選「下載欄」中顯示的下載文件,然後選擇"使用系統檢視器開 …
IRD - Forms
Forms. Tags: Forms, Tax Return, Tax Return Instructions, Request, Application, Exemption, Certificate, Spreadsheet, TD1
Forms - ird.gov.vc
(784) 456-1111 Ext; 3545 or 3576. Useful Links. Ministry of Finance