HORIBA's next-generation infrared gas analysis technology IRLAM …
In 2021, HORIBA succeeded in developing a new and proprietary method of Infrared Laser Absorption Modulation (IRLAM™) *¹ and putting it into practical use. IRLAM enables real-time measurement of gases that were difficult to measure with conventional infrared gas analysis technology, due to insufficient sensitivity and interference effects ...
在2021年,HORIBA 成功地开发了一项新的独有的红外激光吸收调制方法(IRLAM)并且进行了实际应用。 IRLAM 实现了,由于干扰影响(除被测气体外的共存气体影响)和灵敏度不足而导致的传统红外分析技术难以测量的气体的实时检测。 IRLAM 是 HORIBA 研发多年的红外气体分析技术的一个重大进展,这项技术作为 HORIBA 一项新的核心分析技术定位于高灵敏度、抗干扰能力强,结构紧凑和高稳定性的需求。 IRLAM的主要特点体现在3项 HORIBA 独有的技术:量子级 …
Irlam - Wikipedia
Irlam F.C. is a semi-professional football club that plays in the North West Counties League and has its ground at the Ambitek Stadium on Silver Street.
irlam 技术实现明显的性能改进 以汽车尾气检测中甲醛(HCHO)的测量结果实例。 与我们传统的红外气体分析技术(FTIR)相比,检测灵敏度提高了 10 倍以上。
HORIBA IRLAM™ technology receives U.S. EPA approval for …
2025年3月18日 · "IRLAM was designed to maximize testing flexibility without compromising data quality," said Darren Andrews, Executive Vice President and General Manager at HORIBA. "Our lineup of IRLAM-based ...
堀場製作所:ガス分析に新たな価値を提供する革新的技術「IRLAM」を開発 …
2021年7月30日 · irlam技術ではガスの濃度を測るために目的ガスと干渉ガスの吸収信号における特徴量を抽出。 特徴量の関係性から各成分の混ざり具合を認識し、濃度を算出する。
HORIBA’s newly developed gas analysis method using a quantum cascade laser (QCL), infrared laser absorption modulation (IRLAM), dramatically reduces calculation time compared to conventional spectral fitting methods by extracting information important for concentration determination from the absorption signal of the sample gas as features (paten...
2021年、HORIBAは「赤外レーザ吸収変調法(IRLAM™※: Infrared Laser Absorption Modulation、アーラム)」と呼ぶ 新しい赤外ガス分析技術を開発しました。 IRLAM では、従来の赤外ガス分析技術では感度不足や干渉影響(測定したいガス以外の共存するガス
IRLAM™ Technology | Advanced Emissions Measurement by …
IRLAM technology has received U.S. EPA approval for NOx emissions measurement in vehicle and engine certification testing.This approval allows OEMs to use IRLAM-based analyzers to demonstrate compliance with emissions regulations, offering extreme accuracy, reliability, and efficiency.. Learn more about this EPA approval and its impact on emissions testing.
The infrared laser absorption modulation method (IRLAM), a newly developed gas analysis technique by HORIBA, enables high-speed measurement with high sensitivity. We have used this IRLAM technology to develop a gas analyzer optimized for semiconductor etching process applications. The basic principle of IRLAM and the details of the devel-